Chapter 40

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Narcissa handed the cup to Freddy. "Now be careful! You don't want to spill it." She said, placing a kiss on his red hair. Freddy just watched all wide eyed, until somebody took a drink of their tea. He laughed and slowly copied the movement he seen. "Good boy!" Narcissa said, before she turned to face Hermione, again. "Are you sure you have everything? I don't mind to help." She offered and Hermione smiled. "My parents have it handle, but thank you, really. sure you don't mind to keep an eye on Ron? I should...get back to work." She said. "It's not trouble. I'll get him home, sobor, alright? Let him sleep this off, maybe spent some time with Harry. Maybe he'll talk to me?" Narcissa said. "He might, but I can't say for sure. Thank you, for everything." She said, getting to her feet. "Eaving?" Freddy ask. She walked over an eased down. "For now, but I'll be back. Freddy, stays here. I know, it's been hard on you, buddy, but Narcissa and Lucius are going to take care of you, okay?" She said, getting a nod form the toddler, who took a drink of his tea. She smiled lightly, rubbing his head. "I love you, Freddy."


Lucius Malfoy pulled the small blanket up over Freddy, when he laid the toddler down for a nap. Fred yawned, grabbing his Teddy bed. "Time for you, to take a nap." Lucius said, turning off the boys small lap. "He...doesn't love me anymore?" Fred said. The first full sentence the toddler has spoken in a while. "Who?" Lucius asked, easing to sit down. Fred started to rub the ribbon of his teddy bear. "George." He whispered. "He lost his way, Freddy. I don't know what happened and I'm sorry for that...all I can tell you is... Narcissa and I, are going to take care of you and raise you. You don't have to worry anymore, okay? You just need to be, Freddy. Grow, play and learn, okay?" He said, watching Freddy sit back up and held out his arms. Lucius picked him up and Fred nuzzled to his chest. "I got you, buddy." Lucius said, grabbing the blanket off the bed.
Narcissa came into the bedroom Fred shared with Narcissa. Lucius sat in the rocking chair, still slowly rocking as the toddler slept in his arms. "He got upset?" She asked, spotting his thumb back in his mouth. "He is a smart little boy. He listens and I'm pretty sure he can read a bit. His heartbroken over his father, whom he is now calling George. He's not even fully asleep. I move, he just whines." Lucius said. "Why don't I bring you the book you last had and some coffee?" She asked, lending over and placing a light kiss on his lips. "I'd like that." He said as she put her hand on Freddy's cheek. He lazily opened an eye, looking at her. "Shh, it's nap time, Freddy." She said softly. "Aty." He mumbled. "I'll be right back." She said softly.


A few hours went by and Lily Potter stood at the stove cooking dinner, with their doctor, whom, she finally agreed to take up on his offer. He stood against the wall, listening to something she'd been talking about. "I must ask something... because Sirius and Remus have both been found. I don't ..want trouble." He asked. " dead, Victor." Lily said. "I wouldn't ask, but-" He started to say. "No, I understand...I do. The only reason I survived, was because I was pregnant with Sammy. It protected both of them. Then, they didn't want to be stuck with a baby." Lily pointed out. "What I don't understand is how Sirius was so much...worst then both of you?" He asked. "Because the men that had him, were a lot worse. They pulled his memories too, learning about Remus and our world? Still hates them. Just because it's happening, doesn't mean anything." Lily said. "Is that why Draco and Harry don't go there?" He asked. "Narcissa won't let Harry, because the charms don't work that far. Draco chooses not to. Nobody knew about them, they couldn't." Lily said. "Grandma!" Narcissa Evans said, grabbing her leg. "It's cooking, sweet girl." Lily said. "I'm hungry now." She frowned. "How about one of those cheese sticks I seen in the refrigerator?" Victor asked. "Those are Freddy's snacks." She said. "You can have one, Nass. Do you mind getting her one?" He asked. "Of course not." Victor said.
He eased down holding it out for her. She smiled and grabbed it, starting to open it. "Who's Sarah?" She asked. "My daughter, but I don't recall saying her name." Victor said. "I forgot to charm you. Run along, Nass." Lily said. "Are you even supposed to do that?" He asked. "Unless you want a five year old pretty much in your head?" She asked. "No, no thank you." He said. "It's minor, so no worries." She said.
"Mum." Harry said, turning into the kitchen. His glasses laid in his hand. Victor just walked over and pushed his head to the side. "Where is your piercing?" He asked. "In the knuckle of Ron's brother. I'm drained. Can you fix my glasses?" Harry asked his mum. "Didn't Narcissa tell you not to go?" Lily half huffed, pausing dinner. "I had a ride." Harry said. Getting the glasses removed form his hands. "Harry." She said. "Ron would of went alone, and likely killed him! You haven't heard half the shit they say to him." Harry said. "Do they really not care about the will being of a three year old boy?" Lily asked, grabbing Harry's wand to start to fix the glasses. "You...don't have all the facts about Lucius, so...You don't understand the struggle they have with him. They also don't understand the man isn't a at threat anymore. His family, also feel Ron should have taken the responsibility of Fred." Harry said.

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