Chapter 22

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When neither one came for the fussy boy, he finally picked the boy up and walked into the kitchen. Little Narcissa came to. "He's hungry." She frowned. "I'm aware, but I don't think we really have snack food for a toddler." Lucius said, shifting Fred to his right hip, opening the refrigerator. "Cheese!" Narcissa said. "Like a piece of cheese?" He asked. "Yeah! Just pieces at a time." She said.
A couple minutes later, Fred sat sitting on his right leg in the recliner, holding a little bit of cheese in his little hand. Fred starting eating the cheese, getting handed more eat of the slice of cheese as he finished them. Narcissa Evans turned on a movie. "It should help until dinner gets here." Nass said. "What woke him up, anyway?" Lucius asked. "Don't know. He was just awake when I came back downstairs." Narcissa Evans said.
Fred yawned when he finished eating, rubbing his little eyes. Lucius just eased the toddler down in his right arm. Fred fussed, but stretched out his little body getting comfortable. He went to sleep, being supported by the man.

Ron finally went outside, finding Hermione still talking to April. "I went ahead and made a room." Ron said. "Where's Fred? I thought I heard him fussing?" She asked. "You did...After talking to Harry, I watched." Ron said. "And?" She asked. "He's asleep. Fred trusts him too it seems." Ron said, easing down beside her. "I might not of known what's got everybody so worried, but he seems harmless." April said. "You wouldn't know of it." Hermione said. After a sigh, Ron eased back in the swing. "Suppose it doesn't matter. It's something we are going to have to get used to...and Fred, is a very active toddler." Ron said. "Pawning him off, here, isn't the answer either." Hermione said. "Why am I, the one cleaning up after my brother's messes?" Ron said. "Because the found use the best of our siblings, Ronald. You really want your nephew thrown into the system?" She asked. "Of course not, but why not get something out of it." Ron said. "I'm sure...they wouldn't mind the toddler." April cut in. "You haven't been here to long, have you?" Hermione asked. "No. Plan on staying, However." April said. The front door opened. "I thought you left." Samuel said. "No. Just talking to Hermione here. Harry told me you laid down." April said. "Talking to mum, really. She fell asleep." Samuel said. "You do look a lot like Harry." Hermione said, getting the attention of Samuel. He started to toy with his bracelet, anxious about the new people. "Yeah." He said kind of quite. "I should properly call my brother, anyway. Let him know I'm not coming back this evening. He doesn't really know you." April said. "Alright." Hermione said, watching the pair go back inside the house. "What did she say?" Ron asked. "Mostly just had questions. She's a muggle woman. She doesn't want to make them uncomfortable or worried, so she asked me if she could ask me questions. She's alright." Hermione said. "We can stay, for...a bit. I'm tried off all the fighting with my family over Fred anyway." Ron said. "I don't want-" She started to say. "I'm fine, okay? I talked to Harry. I'll deal with it. I'm exhausted and we got thrown a toddler. No, I don't want him thrown into the system, but I wasn't ready for the responsibility of a toddler, either." Ron said. "Suppose that's true enough." She said, before the door opened. "The temperature is dropping. You two should come in." Narcissa Malfoy said. "Coming." Hermione replied backed.

Half an hour later, Harry shut the door calling the household for dinner. The pizza, and cheesy bread, ordered. Little Fred did not want to wake up. He got really fussy being moved and carried. "Now, I thought you wanted some Pizza." Lucius said to the toddler. "He's sleepy." Narcissa Evans said. "Lay him back like he was, he should stop fussing." Narcissa said. Lucius sat down in one of the dinning room chairs, putting the toddler back like he was. Freddy did a fussy yawned, putting his thumb in his mouth and shut his eyes, slowly going back to asleep. "They'll be left overs. Mum's already asleep. Think Remus is too." Harry said. "A bit early for Remus, isn't it?" Narcissa said, before calling her son, Draco Malfoy, down to the dinning room. He really needed to try and eat something. "Maybe a touch." Harry said. "Didn't he have those interviews?" Narcissa asked. "Yeah, but that's been a few days. He's just, been lost in his thoughts I suppose." Harry said, taking a bite of pizza, joining the rest of them eating. "About?" Hermione cut in. "Wouldn't know. He doesn't really talk to me about stuff. Mum might now." Harry pointed out. "What all do you know about the POWS?" Hermione asked. "Nothing, because they won't talk about it. Sammy won't either." Harry said. "He went back to sleep?" Hermione asked. "Yeah." Lucius replied. "Ron got him a bed put in little Narcissa room, I hope that's Alright?" Hermione more asked Harry. "Nass will enjoy the company." Harry pointed out.

That night, when the house went pretty still, Harry started the fireplace, joining Hermione and Ron on the couch. "Draco okay?" Hermione asked. "He picked up a bug." Harry said, locking the safety gate in place. "A bug?" Ron asked. "Sickness. Likey form one of the employees he works with." Harry said. "He works a muggle job?" Hermione asked. "Yes. His uniform is charmed and he has vacation time he will use during the delivery." Harry said, easing down on the couch between them. Nothing really was send. Narcissa just asked them to stay with Harry because the grown woman knew what Harry wanted to do, drink. She knew he cut himself if he had the chance to, because he was stressed out, overwhelmed. She was worried about him and they agreed to stay with him.

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