Chapter 25

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Two weeks later, Narcissa sat up on the bed in a motel room she rented for the three of them. She originally left with just her husband, but by the second day. Draco called his mom saying Fred wouldn't claim down. Another two days, Fred stopped eating. He needed the person he found safeness in. That ended up being Lucius Malfoy. The five day, the toddler was sent to them.

They didn't say what they were doing, Narcissa couldn't. She didn't know what they'd find or how he'd be if he was still alive. Lucius told her, these were a lot darker death eaters then the ones that had Lily and Remus, so the state this man could be in, wouldn't be good more then likely.

Fred woke up by the time she got out of the shower, sitting on the toddler bed in the hotel room. "Hey buddy." She said, getting a giggle. She picked him up and sat him on the bed beside her husband. Fred started laughing, waking the man up. "Hey, buddy." Lucius said. "This is the last lead I have been able to find. We have to head back after this, at least a few days. I need to recharge and fix the damage done to my bakery." She pointed out. "A few days then...we have to know." Lucius said, easing up. She rubbed the hair on Fred's hair and give her husband a kiss. "Lets get going." She said.
They stopped for breakfast, before she pulled out a address, handing it to the taxy driver. "It a bit far." He said. "I have the money to pay. I can't legally drive here." Narcissa said. "Very well." He said.

Roughly a hour later, Lucius settle the toddler on his hip and Narcissa paid the tab, watching the driver leave. "Who's in that house?" He asked. "A woman, who is something called a foster parent. The private investigator said she has custody of an adult male. He couldn't find much details on it." She said. "What is the possibility, it's him?" Lucius asked. "Low, like everything else was, but it's the last I have." She said, grabbing the backpack that had the pictures she took for Remus. Hopefully, he wouldn't noticed the ones missing.

She knocked on the door for it to open by a minor. A boy younger then sixteen, but older then ten. "What have I told you, about opening the door?" Fussed a middle aged woman. "I can take care of myself." He told her and she let out a sigh. "You are still just a kid, Matthew. Go help clean up form breakfast." She said, before she step outside the door with the couple. "They should have told you, I'm at my limit for non school aged children." She said, assuming Fred was supposed to be a drop of. "Oh, no! Freddy is under our care, this...isn't what that is about." Narcissa said. "Then what is this about?" She asked. "I understand you have an adult male in your care." Narcissa said, getting a confused and concerned look form the woman. "Nobody is supposed to know he is here. How did you even find out?" She asked. "Because we have been looking for him for a few years. Our son in law, is his god son." Narcissa said, getting a sigh. "Come inside. I have toys for him to keep him busy." She said.

The woman was handed a photograph. "It's an older picture, but it is him." Narcissa said softly. "Is this him?" She then asked. "Yes...What is his name? The children and I have just called him Johnny." She said. "Sirius, Sirius Black." Narcissa said and the woman eased back on the chair she sat in. "I have no earthly idea what all happened. The hospital just used the word torture. He hasn't spoke. I don't if he can or not. He has only started coming out of the room I set him up in a couple weeks ago. I can't...just let you take him. He is legally in my care. It can be transferred, but if he won't go with you, I can't nor will I. He's my responsibility." She said. "He'd go with Remus. Back then... whatever relationship they had, they hide very well." Lucius said. "Nobody knew about the relationship. Remus even married a woman, for face." Narcissa said. "If he this man, I'll see to it. It could take a couple days, but he has to have somebody over him." She said. "Nothing we can't handle. Take him the photograph, Remus is the one in the picture with him. See, what he does." Narcissa said.

Lucius kept downstairs with Fred and Narcissa followed the woman upstairs knocking on the door. "Johnny, I need to know you something." She said. "What...did you say his name was?" She asked Narcissa a lot softer. "Sirius." Narcissa said. She kept out a sight as the woman slowly eased down beside Sirius, who sat hugging his knees,  on the floor by the window. "I need you to look at something for me." She said, holding the picture upside down. After a couple minutes, he slowly grabbed it, flipping it over. He just stared at the photograph. "A couple brought it. Told me your name. Sirius." She said softly and after a pause, getting a nod. "She's going to get somebody here. Hell have to sign some paperwork, but if you want, you can leave with them by this evening okay? Maybe they'll be able to help you more then I have." She said softly. "I'm sure you did what you could. Some things, can't be fixed easily. Things have changed, but Lucius sent for Remus, Sirius." Narcissa said making herself know. The man knew not to show reaction, nothing good ever came from it. He didn't trust her and definitely didn't trust Lucius Malfoy. Siruis just held the photograph to his chest. He at the very least, wouldn't lose the only thing he had of his love.

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