Chapter 27

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Sirius did slowly lay back down. He laid his head on Remus's chest. Remus mumbled something in his sleep, before he locked his arm around Siruis, holding him close. Siruis nuzzled to his neck and he moved his knee to high. "Pads...move your knee." Remus mumbled, almost whined. Sirius moved his leg a little bit, but held onto Remus tighter. Remus went back to sleep quickly. Lily grabbed the blanket and put it over Siruis. "Sleep. You are safe, I promise. Do you want me to stay? I can lay on the other side of the bed." Lily asked, getting a small nod.

About an hour later, Remus woke up. Lily sat beside them, reading her book. Siruis was asleep, still nuzzled to Remus. "We knew, at school. We just worried you two would stop. We just wanted you happy." Lily said. Remus took his other arm and rested it on Siruis's body. Siruis relaxed even more in his sleep. " my everything, Lily. I did love my wife, was forced, well ... That isn't right either. I love you. Maybe, it's like that. I did care for her, but it was hard to be with her. I don't even know how I managed to get her pregnant, I never recall being able to finish. God, I'm sorry. That' much information to share." Remus said, looking at Siruis, who was truly sleeping. Lily smiled lightly. "I understand and I don't mind listening. You don't have to hide your relationship, I think it will help him. The doctor I speak to, also says to keep taking to him, confirming he is safe, and taking care of him." She said. "I will take care of him and I won't lose him again, I can't." Remus said, holding him tightly. "We won't let that happen, I promise. I called Harry, told him to come home early. He should be here soon, so I am going to talk to him. Everybody else should be home earlier too. I won't let them overwhelm him, okay? You do, need to stay with him. He didn't claim down, completely, until he got like that." Lily said. "I'm never going to leave him. I won't handle anything else happening to him." Remus said. "I'll bring up a tray. He should eat." She said.

Half an hour later, Remus sat them up on the bed. Remus pushed his hair out of his face. "I'll give you a bath soon. Your hair is all messy. You need to eat lunch for me, okay?" Remus said, tucking the loose piece of hair behind his ear. Spotting the banding scar behind his ear. Sirius shook his head. He didn't want to eat. "You need to eat something. I promise the food is okay. You don't have to worry about it." Remus said softly, picking up his right hand. Slowly, Siruis locked their fingers together. Remus put his forehead to Siruis's. "I promise, I am going to take care of you. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Trust me." Remus said softly. Sirius's left hand, went to Remus's cheek. "...I'm used." Sirius spoke in a voice, broken and hardly above a whisper. "Nothing that happened to you, is going to change the way I have always felt. I love you. I never stopped loving you." Remus said. ", Remus." Sirius half cried. Remus just cupped his cheeks and slowly kissed him. "Nobody is going to hurt you, ever again. You have to trust me. I'm not going anywhere and your mine." Remus said. "... Please." Sirius whispered and Remus didn't understand what Siruis was trying to ask for. "Shh. You're okay." Was all Remus could think to say. "...Remus...They-" He started to say, again. "Aren't here. Nobody will every lay a hand on you again. Please, trust me, when I tell you, you are safe." Remus said, grabbing both of Siruis's hands. "You're mine. Forever and always." Remus said. "...They...made sure...nobody would...want me." Siruis said, half crying, letting go of Remus's hands. Sirius got to his feet and started to remove the oversized clothes he wore. "Sirius, please claim down." Remus said softly, getting to his feet.
Sirius, in just a second, stood without any clothing on at all. His entire body was covered in scars, burns and marks Remus didn't know what could of caused them. Torture, was the right word. Sirius was only kept alive, so they could hurt him more. Remus caught on, what Sirius meant to, when he said they used him. Sexually. Remus made sure the door would stay locked, by a spell, before he walked over to Siruis, who's head was all over the place. He cried. "Shh. Come on. You need a bath." Remus said, taking his hand into his own. The only parts of Siruis that didn't have marks, were his face, hands and feet. Only because those were that parts of him they found useful. Siruis didn't say anything, just let Remus pull him into the bathroom adjacent to his bedroom.

Remus sat on the end of the bathtub, with his feet in the bath water. He was slowly using the cup to get the conditioner out of Siruis hair. "I'll find some body wash that doesn't smell like strawberries. Nass has sensitive skin...I thought it would be better to use." Remus said softly. Remus had told the whole time, explaining who all was there in the house and what all he knew about Harry and Draco and everything else that had happened. "...Harry's daughter?" Sirius asked. His voice sounding much better, calmer. "Yeah. Draco's pregnant. Now, I don't know if it's a boy or girl. They just say baby M." Remus said, before the small knock was heard on the partly opened door. Remus looked over. "Guess I didn't lock the door back when I get the body wash. Nass, your early." Remus said to the small girl. "Pappy picked me up, Answer this." She said, walking over to him with the ringing phone of April's.

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