Chapter 10

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By two, Harry unlocked the door to their home, that Narcissa Malfoy had magically added too. It gave them all space and accommodated the needs of Lily and Remus. Even if the two could be on their feets, there were objects in there hallways to aid them if needed to be.
Harry seen Draco on the couch, watching the television, Lucius Malfoy was asleep on the recliner, covered up twice. A normal blanket done by his wife and a small, pink blanket form his granddaughter, who wanted him to have it. Harry hung up his coat and joined his boyfriend on the couch. "Let me ask you something, Draco." Harry said, softly. They would keep their voices low, to keep Lucius sleeping. "Okay." Draco replied, watching Harry locked their hands together. Draco smiled lightly, placing a light kiss on his lips. "We...never once talked about our idea of marriage." Harry pointed out. "Because...We never thought it would be an option...why...are you wanting to marry?" Draco asked. "I want to discuss the detail of it, yes. I told a work buddy, that my partner is expecting and that they have a child. I went with non gender, identity, to avoid having to lie about you. However, they don't think Nass is mine...but that's okay. It's easier to explain that way anyway, but he asked if I was going to marry you. I told him, I have loved you for a long time. I really do, but...I don't want you to feel pushed, because of the baby." Harry admitted. "Things...were said Harry. I know...I promised to work our on relationship, but that's not easy, that doesn't...undo the hate...or the words spoken. I would love to marry you, but...I don't think I can. I' to scare." Draco admitted. "Nobody would have to know." Harry said, but Draco just locked down. "I can't...Harry." Draco whispered, getting his face pulled back lightly to look at Harry. "Okay." Harry said, placing a light kiss on Draco's lips.

Narcissa Malfoy found her son sitting outside, after Narcissa Evan told her Draco was very upset. She was pretty sure he'd been crying, stopping whenever she got to close. Narcissa shut the door, putting another blanket on her son's shoulders. "What's wrong, Draco?" She asked, joining her boy on the porch swing. Harry added it that second month of being sober. Narcissa Malfoy wouldn't let him leave the house yet, so he started a lot of activities around the house, the swing one of the first activity. "Nothing." Draco whispered. "You are outside in the snow, Draco. The television said the temperature is 14°F, that's -10°C! That's far to cold for you to be outside, over nothing." She said. "Father is sleeping." Draco said. "He's been taking naps, son. That's nothing new." She said. "I wasn't going to wake him, so I can't tell him to go upstairs." Draco said, getting to his feet. "I...can wake him, son. I don't...want you upset if he's been around to much." She said softly and after a half cry. "He didn't do anything now, but Harry brought up marriage and guess what? I can't and I know you know why I can't. Nass, I'm going to lay down." Draco said, before he went back into the house.
Half an hour later? There was a knock on the bedroom door. "Go away, mum." Draco mumbled, laying nuzzled up in his blankets on the bed. He had finally stopped crying and sent Harry away, who was currently in the room his daughter slept in. She wanted the baby in her room. Harry and Draco agreed to part time. Harry didn't mind, it gave him more things to build and set up a full nursery, in their master bedroom and a half nursery, in Narcissa bedroom. The crib was already made in their room, so Harry was on the second built crib. "We need to talk." Lucius Malfoy said on the other said of the door. "I definitely, don't want to talk to you!" Draco half barked out and after a pause, the bedroom door opened anyway and Lucius turned on the overhead light. "Go away." Draco said. "Not until I have my word, Draco. I leave you be and I will again, but not before I at least try and convince you otherwise." Lucius said. "You won't, so don't bother. I know what you think, I know you hate me. The only reason you are even here, is because of mum and I won't hurt my daughter, but there is no fixing things. I just told her that, so she'd stop working so much, but you need to leave me alone, now." Draco said. Lucius just walked over to the bed and Draco let out a huff, rolling over on to his back. "I never...hated you. I know...things won't be fixed easily, if at all, but you mother wants me to tell you." Lucius said. "Fine." Draco said. "Marry the boy, Draco. Get with your mum and plan yourselves a real wedding, with your daughter. You three are a family, and that isn't going to change. Harry... Loves you and I know you love him, so, get married." Lucius said. "You...can go." Draco said, softly.

By five, Harry came back into the bedroom, going to the bathroom, holding his hand. Draco, who wasn't asleep this whole time, got out of the bed.
Harry was holding his hand underneath the running water, over a cut on his hand. "What happened?" Just frowned. "Just a small cut... I didn't mean to wake you." Harry said. "I...haven't slept. Father...came and talked to me, well, I listened." Draco whispered. "I don't...want you pushed into a marriage, Draco." Harry said. "I have wanted to, I really have. I really do, I promise." Draco said and Harry turned off the water and slowly dried his hand off. "I want to marry you too, but not if it's going to cause you anxiety or anything like that." Harry said. "It... shouldn't. He told get with mum and plan a wedding, but I don't know the first thing in planning a wedding and I'll be blown up. Non of my clothes fit now. Let alone by the time it takes to actually plan one. I don't...think I want to plan something, isn't....there a way to get married without a big celebration?" Draco asked. "Yes, there is." Harry said, walking over to Draco and placed a light kiss on his lips.

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