chapter 33

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Harry told her, he could try and speak to their boss and see if he can't assure her, he'd be flexible, but once again, she declined. She wouldn't take the risk. She likes the job she has anyway. Their boss, wanted to get Samuel working full time. He was there daily. Harry explained the reasoning to this. Their boss knew this. He even said Samuel and April could share the office space. He could use the small office of Samuel's for a new employee coming in for the summer anyway. Harry, along with the rest of the adults in the household, wasn't too sure how Samuel would respond to the responsibility of full time. Samuel didn't really engage in the conversations about working more. The thought alone made him nervous, so Finally, Lily cut into their conversation. "You need to explain to your boss that it is making you anxious, Sammy." She said, getting looked at by Samuel, who frowned. "I...don't...want to talk to him." Samuel said. "I still talk for him, mum. I know...I shouldn't, but he's my brother." Harry pointed out. "Then somebody needs to explain it. Sammy getting anxious and getting all rushy, again, isn't helping." Lily said. "Suppose I'll go talk to him today." Harry said, with a sigh.

Sirius felt the light kiss on his cheek when the table cleared. "You...need to tell me what you'll eat." Remus said softly. Siruis was still just moving the food around on his plate, as the household started to empty and Lily started to clean up form breakfast. "Don't...think I can right now." He whispered. Remus pulled his chin up. "You just had a nightmare, I promise, it's okay. I'm going to warm your plate back up, and get you some coffee." Remus said. Sirius just simply nodded.


Harry Potter knocked on the door of their boss's office about nine that same morning. "It's open." He said. Harry walked inside. The man pointed to the chair across his desk, that Harry eased down. "I assume this is either about Samuel or April?" He asked. "Samuel...and maybe April. I need to speak to her again, before I say my thoughts on trying to get her to take the promotion." Harry said, watching his boss relax into his office chair. "He doesn't want the hours?" He asked. "He can't handle the responsibility, sir. Twenty hours is already difficult on some weeks. He's getting better, getting used to working...but it's been to soon." Harry said. "Will he at least share the office with April? We don't have enough space for our summer help. You know, there's not many employees that get along well enough to share a working space." He pointed out. "I believe so, but let me he certain of it." Harry said. "Is there even a time, Samuel is in his own office?" He asked. "No, I don't believe so." Harry said. "Then I'm making that decision anyway." He said. "I'll get his things then. When we see he can handle more, I will let you know." Harry said. "Honestly, the work your brother does is fine, a bit slower then most, but that's understandable. I just know he is here, the same as you and/or her. I thought I'd offer it." He pointed out. "We appreciate the opportunity, but he just isn't...ready, nor do I think he wants it. He just really likes April." Harry said. "I'm glad. Your brother might be special, but he is a very sweet person. That is something that woman needs." He said, getting Harry's attention. "I'm assuming you've know some of her ex's?" Harry asked. "Two. It didn't end very well." He pointed out. "Samuel is a sweet person, he just... Has trouble with communication." Harry said. "It's fine. Go speak to April and get back to me, alright?" He asked. "I'll do my best. I understand though, what she is worried about." Harry said. "Is that so?" He asked. "She can't guarantee her availability will keep the same, or if she'll be able to keep working full time." Harry said. "I see. Well, talk with her and see what you can find out, alright?" He asked. "I'll do my best." Harry said, getting back to his feet. "You do know, I'm off today?" Harry asked. "I'm aware, yes. Something about a lunch for a memorial?" He asked. "Yes." Harry said. "I'm sorry, about whom died." He said. "Thank you, really." Harry said.
Harry gave his brother a hug, before handing him a box that held the objets form his own office. "Is...he mad?" Samuel asked. "Not at all, but you don't have your own office. Not like you really use it." Harry pointed out. "Okay." He said. "You taking back off?" April asked. "Hermione and Ron are picking me up, yes. I'm not sure when we will be home." He said. "It's cool." April said.

Harry stood waiting outside for the couple to get down to where he worked. He was joined outside by a employee smoking his personal cigarette. "You normally don't request days off, everything alright?" He asked. "Nothing I wish to talk about." Harry said. "Okay." He replied as Harry sat down on the Wall outside. "People, they talk you know." He said. "I could care less what you people think of me. All I care about is the work you do." Harry said. "Your off he clock, right?" He asked, getting a nod. "You're an ass, do you know that?" He said and Harry laughed. "Again, I really don't care how I come off. All I care about is the work you do. I'm not here to make friends. This job is different for my little brother. He needs it to build his social skills. I? Don't even have to work, but I choose to. I could care less on what you and your loud mouth friends think of me." Harry said, watching the car pull up.

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