Chapter 3

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Draco's back hit the wall as Harry's kisses continued. Draco's free arm locked itself on Harry's bedside. Draco had messed the taste of that awful muggle liquor, because that taste came with Harry. Harry was pretty buzzed, so he was pretty numb. Draco let out a noise when he was thrown into of his bed, Harry straddled him. Harry just lend down, placing his lips back on Draco's who found his arms pend above his head.
A couple of spells later, Draco and Harry were without clothes, the door was locked and the charm keeping the sound for leaving the bedroom. Draco let out a noise when Harry pushed inside of him. "You haven't-" Harry started to say. "I couldn't, Harry. You were who I wanted." Draco said, starting to get kissed again. Harry wasn't really easy with his movements, because he was numb. Harry had been drinking regularly for some time, stopping wasn't coming as easily as he hoped to not use it as a crutch. Harry never heard Draco tell him to stop, so he kept going. Going until he knew he'd finished, lending down for a final kiss. Harry heard Draco's voice say something but it wasn't a stop, so he really didn't listen. He just finished and made sure Draco finished, before he collapsed on the bed beside Draco.

Draco got cleaned up and pulled the blanket over Harry's who did lay asleep this time. Draco seen the fresh bandages on his right arm, the pink showing. With a sigh, Draco grabbed his first aid kit out of the bathroom. Draco kept his movements slow, so Harry wouldn't wake up. He cleaned and rebadged the new self cuts on his wrist before tucking him back into bed. "Get some rest." Draco said softly. Draco walked over to the window and pulled down the curtains to darken the room completely, before he exited his room, leaving Harry in a true sleep.

"You left pappy alone?" Little Narcissa asked. "He's sleeping, Nass. He'll be alright." Draco said, sending her back to whatever activity she was doing. Narcissa Malfoy had the cookies cooling on the counter, having herself some tea. "You were gone a bit." She pointed out. "He's sleeping." Draco said, walking over to the stove and poured himself a cup of tea. "Was the drinks even talked about?" She asked. "Yes, but again, there isn't anything I can do about it. I don't know everything that happened before we even started sleeping together and it's not like I could ask anyone. I'm pretty sure it was known he drank, however." Draco said. "Something has to help. Drinking that much, isn't healthy." She said. "I'll do what I can, mother. For now, just let him sleep." Draco said, easing down at the table beside her. "Somethings on your mind?" She asked. "Just a lot on my mind, mother. A lot as changed and I'm pretty sure he was to drunk to listen." Draco said. "Listen about what?" She asked. "Not to finish inside because I'm pretty sure there's nothing I can take to prevent another pregnancy." Draco said. "Not...with male, not yet. Narcissa was the first born, but others have been since then. It's something new... something that people have to toy with, but like the other women... anybody of proper age, is getting pregnant. They believe it's to repopulate our would. You'll just...have to be careful, beside, I can move to the couch if need be." She said. "No...Nass was with me for two years, the same I'd say with this one. You...can still use magic right?" He asked. "Yes...but I rather not, if it can be avoided." She admitted. "I need you to keep him from being able to summon the vodka. I know he can just go by it, but at will slow it down." Draco said. "Very well. I will come later, alright?"

That night, Harry woke up to Narcissa Evans wiggling close to him. Draco had dressed him, before the small girl came into the bedroom. Harry yawned. "Hey, sweetie." He said. "She's going to sleep with us tonight." Draco said. "Alright." Harry said.

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