Chapter 18

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The knock to the door went unanswered so she slowly went into the bedroom. Draco was back asleep. She picked up the tray. It was hardly touched, even the tea. At least he wasn't sweating anymore. Something she was thankful for, she didn't have to worry about baby M anymore. She slowly took the tray back downstairs. With Draco being ill, she couldn't save the food for leftovers, so she was throwing them out when she was joined by April. "Sam went to rest...I can leave, if you want." She said. "You're welcome to stay, April. He won't be laying down for long, I'd say. It helps clear his mind." Lily said. "I wouldn't...want to overstay." She said. "You aren't, but don't feel pressured to stay if you don't wish." She said. "I haven't...had a the best luck in relationships. Let alone their families wanting me around." She said. "People can be awful, I know this. Your welcome here." Lily said.

About an hour more, Samuel came downstairs, holding his book and joined the couch. "Is he asleep?" Samuel asked. "I believe so, But I didn't want to change the channel." April said softly. Samuel grabbed the television remote off his lap and turned it down a bit, before handing her the remote. He eased down beside her on the couch. "Just nothing Nass likes to watch new stuff sometimes." Samuel said. "Alright."
Sure enough, about fifteen minutes later Narcissa Evans came down the stairs and joined the new couple on the couch. "I thought you were playing?" Samuel asked. "Daddy feels icky." She said, pulling her blanket up on the couch and he ruffled her hair. "Means your feeling icky. Why don't you sleep?" He asked. "Papaw." She said. "Alright, come on. He might not wake up." Samuel said, picking her up and easing her down on his lap. She rolled over and nuzzled to his stomach. Lucius made a noise, locking his arm around the girl. Narcissa Evans was asleep not very long after that. "What does her daddy have to do with her feeling ill?" She asked. "She can channel...I don't have a full understanding of everything yet. They been giving me something to drink at night, stops my dreams." He said. "I see. You uncle seems very quiet." April said. "There's a lot going on with him. They don't tell me everything. Some of what I know is what I overheard. I think they worry about telling me to much." He said. "Okay." She said.

Come four, everybody was back home. Narcissa Evans and Lucius Malfoy were awake at this point and Narcissa Malfoy gave her son a potion to block Nass for feeing him, at least until he felt a bit better. Harry shut the door. "They called off work tomorrow." Harry said. "I got the email. They couldn't find the brother?" She asked. "No, but it's fine. They sure won't make it five second here." Harry said. "Daddy's still icky." Nass said, hurrying to her pappy. Harry lend down and picked her up. "I was told, but I see you are feeling better." Harry said. "Grandma gave Draco a drink. I don't feel him anymore." She said. "I wouldn't of said anything, but I woke up to her asleep on me." Lucius said, picked up the television remote, muting the show. "I'd figured it'd be needed before now, truthfully. Your daddy just got sick, is all. He'll be okay." Harry said, giving her a big kiss on the cheek, before putting her back down. "Has anyone had an idea for dinner?" Harry asked. "Not that I'm aware of." Lucius said. "I'm just going to order some pizza." Harry said, before the window was pecked on. Harry let out a sigh.

Harry held the letter. "What's that?" Samuel asked. "It's a wedding invitation." Harry said. "I thought...they married after the war?" Lucius said. "No, they didn't. Haven't even talked to them in a few months." Harry pointed out. "Maybe you should give them a call." Narcissa Malfoy said. "Maybe." Harry said, disappeared upstairs. "I'd-" Lucius started to say. "I'm aware. Keep downstairs, kids." Narcissa said, referring to Samuel and April. "What's..that about?" April asked when Samuel disappeared into the kitchen with little Narcissa. "Potter wasn't in a very good state, when Narcissa tracked him down to the apartment he lived in. I doubt his friends even knew how bad off he was, I really don't. Hermione was the kind of...person who do anything in her power to help anybody she could. Harry's an... Alcoholic. He's sobor now, but anything can set him off, unfortunately." Lucius said. "He...doesn't see like somebody who drank." She pointed out. "He was young, so it was stopped before any ill effects could even be know." Lucius said. "Understandable. So is he...not wanting to go to the wedding or something?" She asked. "I couldn't say what happened after the war, young lady. I was confounded to our home for a long time." Lucius said. "I see." She replied.
Half an hour later, Narcissa came back downstairs, followed by Harry who eased down on the couch. "You should give them a call." She said. "And tell them what, exactly? They never knew, anything!" Harry pointed out. "It's time then, Harry." Narcissa said and after a hand ran throughout his hair. "I'll give her a call later then. It's late there." Harry said. "I'd say she'll wake up, you wait to much longer and you can't call until tomorrow." She said and after a sigh, Harry got back up walking over to the fireplace. "When did you set it up, anyway?" He asked. "The first day, just in case. It was originally sit for the manor." She pointed out. "Alright. Just don't say anything, not yet anyways." Harry said, starting the call through the fire place.

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