Chapter 42

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Lucius was sitting up in the bed, holding Freddy in his arms. The toddler, once again, had his thumb in his mouth, but was at least sleeping now. Victor has gathered most of the paperwork. "Feeling better?" Victor said. "Bit of a headache, but otherwise I'm okay. You couldn't of found another vane? The ones in my hand seem to hurt a lot worst." He complained. "You, have bad vanes. I was lucky to find the one when I did. I'm starting you on some new medicine, but we can take care of that at the house. I'm able to get you out of here." Victor said. "Thank you, really." Lucius said.


A little over a week later, A Monday. Lily Potter yawned sitting up. The alarm Victor sat on his phone was going off to get him up for his day at the hospital. He slipped out of the bed and picked his jeans up off the floor, starting to put them on. Lily, gripping the blanket to her chest, keeping herself covered. She went to sleep shortly after, their first night together and she wasn't sure if she was getting up for the day or not. "I don't...want you to feel... Like you have to Lily." Was his first thought. He didn't want her to feel pressured into sleeping with him or even date him, if she wasn't ready. She used her other hand to tuck the loose hair behind her ear. "I don't, Victor. Some days though, my body is weaker then other days. I'm not just taking the medication you prescribed me. I take potions to. You seen me, after the potions." Lily said. "I know, you told me. I've been through a lot." He said. She just held out her hand. He walked over to the side of the bed she sat in, taking her hand. "You've been real good to me, Victor. You are very sweet and caring, and very patient with everybody. I wanted to, I did." She said. He lend down, placing a light kiss on her lips. "I'm glad, really. I did tell you I had-" He started to say. "A couple of grown kids, but you also said they are out of state, for university I believe?" Lily asked. "My boy got a football scholarship for a school in California. My daughter, is in a Christian University. She never lost her faith, she doesn't like me very much." He said. "You said something about your daughter hating you, but I'm sure that's not true." Lily said. "My daughter, never lost her faith. When her mother and I divorced, she blamed me. Her mother, who had full custody, never fixed her thoughts. It was two years later I was the weekend time, by then? She very much disliked me. My ex wife, let my daughter believe I was the one at fault. By the time she turned eighteen...she told me on her graduation night, she didn't want to talk to me anymore. I still call...on her birthday, but it's been three years, she won't talk to me. My son, is in town. I just...wasn't sure what you'd think about that." He said. "I'd love to meet your boy, but...what does he know?" She asked. "Enough." He said and he smiled. "I can make a dinner this weekend. We can get the attic a bit more...guest room like by then." She said. "Draco is having his surgery today...are you sure that is a good idea?" He asked. "I am. Trust me. The boys would be upset if I didn't. They know I care very much about you." She pointed out. "I'll have him a call then." He said. "Grab my dress, would you? I'm starving." She said. "Of course."


Breakfast didn't happen, because baby M, was ready to come now! Harry hurried to Victor when the marks started to show on Draco and Draco couldn't stop crying form the amount of pain baby M was putting him in.

The waiting room was full, other then Harry, who was back with Draco in the operating room. Lily had just called Hermione and Ron, for Harry, who would be there within the house. They'd have roughly six weeks to finish the last details for their wedding. Hermione was very excited to finally know what the baby is, even if she couldn't know the name, yet. Ron, was happier too. He finally came to terms with the lost of his family and accepted his new family. A family he never thought he'd have, but he was overall thankful.
Lily took her sit, stopping the boy in the corner. His eyebrow was busted and he held a cloth to his nose. "Why is he here?" Lily asked Narcissa. "He didn't say. A nurse keeps trying to convince him to see a doctor, but he says he'll wait." Narcissa asked. "Have you heard a name?" Lily asked. "Dylan Bennett." Narcissa said. "As in Victor's son?" She asked. "Possibly...I never caught the details on his kids, Lily. Other things have been on my mind." She said. "I'm aware. Victor has a kit in the car, maybe he'll let me have a look." Lily said.

A few minutes later, Lily joined the boy in the back corner of the waiting room. "I'm fine." He said as she pulled the bag on her lap. His hand touched the side of it, feeling his father's water mark on the bag. " you have my father's bag?" He asked. "He made a few medical bags for the cars we drive." Lily said, watching the boy turn in his sit a bit, finally fully looking at her. "You're Lily Potter." He said. "I am. Why won't you see another doctor, Dylan?" She asked. "I don't have health insurance. I was supposed to be on his planned until I turned 21, but my mother's husband is spiteful. He tried getting me added back on, but he can't. I'm not a kid and I'm not somebody he is married to." He pointed out.

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