Chapter 17

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April walked into her office, seeing Samuel still on the phone, but it was on speaker as he sat down in the chair by her desk. "You didn't get a look, did you?" Lily asked. "No. Harry did." Samuel said. "I'll call your brother shortly, then. I'll let you get back to work, okay? Tell him, Draco is still sleeping. He'll be okay." She said. "Okay, Mum." Samuel said, hanging up the phone and got to his feet. He was toying with the gold charm bracelet recently bought for him. "You're anxious." She said. "They'll come back." He said. "Your brother will keep you safe, okay? He has the power to, you can't stress yourself over it." April said, walking over to him and putting the phone back up properly. "He doesn't... understand, non of them do." He whispered. "Have you tried talking with them?" She asked. "They just say the same thing...that I'll be okay...but it's not easy, not in my head." He frowned. "Thoughts can be tricky, I know. I'm ahead on my work this week. Let's go for a walk outside, try and clear your head." She said.
Samuel's anxiety just increased. "Can...can you take me home?" He asked. "Yeah. Let's go tell your brother, okay?" April said.
Samuel walked into Harry's office. "April's...taking me home." Samuel said. "Alright, Sammy, but I promise, you are okay." Harry said. "I want mum." He whispered. "Go and take a bath. It will help relax you as well." Harry said.

April pulled into the driveway. "It's...bigger on the inside." Samuel said. "Okay." She said. "Come?" He asked. "Do you want me to?" She asked and he nodded. "You can meet my mum and my uncle. Draco's sleeping. Everybody else is at work, Nass is at school." Samuel said and she turned off her car. "Okay." She said.
Samuel unlock the front door, shutting the door behind them. "Sammy, I thought you were going to stay?" Lily said form the kitchen. "Couldn't." He said. "I'm making some tea. Draco's getting up and about. He's upstairs watching the television. Help me be certain he keeps in bed. He's still not well." Lily said. "April's here." Samuel said.

April found herself in a hug, as Samuel pour himself some tea. "I wasn't expecting to meet you so soon." She smiled lightly, before he sat down at the table. "We had...a pretty eventful morning. Samuel wasn't the only person to go home, Harry isn't expecting me back either. Seems the general manager made a call to everybody's emergency contact. So, I had to make a call to my father." She said. "I heard, is everybody okay? Sammy didn't know." Lily said. "Nobody was hurt, physically. Just shock a few people up, unfortunately." She said. "Help yourself to some tea. I have to take a tray upstairs. Give Draco something light to eat, and check on Remus." She said. "Is he still in bed too?" Samuel asked. "He was. He went back to bed after breakfast. He'll come down to meet you, alright?" Lily said. "It isn't a must. Let him rest." She said softly. "He doesn't like to sleep to much." Lily replied, getting to her feet. "Okay."


Lily sat the tray across Draco's legs. "I...don't think I can eat." He whispered. "You need to try, Son. Baby M needs the food, okay? It's oatmeal and toast. I brought you some tea too." She said. "Thank you, I'll try." He said. "Thank you." She said.


Lily knocked on the door to Remus's room. "I'm awake." He said and she frowned. His voice was depressed, again. She knew it was likely over the face he couldn't get his son because of who he was. Lily turned to opened the door, but it was locked. "Moony." She said, knocking on the door. "Lily, please go away." He said. "We have company. I will get Draco out of bed." She said. It took a couple minutes, but he opened the door and grabbed his light jacket off the hook off the wall. "You can't keep-" She started to say. "I shouldn't have to fight to get my son, Lily. It's ridiculous and you know that." He half spat out. "Yes, it is, but that isn't your fault and you know Harry will feel the blame if he knows you are doing this to yourself." Lily said. "It's not his fault. I'll knock that thought right out of his head, but you won't aid what I'm thinking so don't bother." He said and she let out a sigh. "I must, Remus. I love you." She said getting a sigh and a light hug form him. "As do I, Lily. It's just...a hard time right now." He said. "I understand. Come on, that girl, April, is here." She said. "Is that so?" He asked. "I think it will be good for him, I really do." Lily said. "Alright, let's go." Remus said.
The four of them sat around the dinning room table for a while, just talking about nonsense really and before they knew it, it was almost one. Lily was ready for some lunch. "Join us for lunch?" She asked. "I'd love to, thank you." She said.

Come after three, Lucius Malfoy walked into the house with Narcissa Evans after school that day. "Not up for the walk today?" Lily asked, form her spot on the couch. "Not today. I see we have company." He said. "April is her name. She's in the library with Samuel. Nass, let grandpa get a rest, okay?" Lily said. "I'm going to get settled in the recliner, I'm not certain I can even sleep." Lucius said. "Alright. Nass, did they give you any homework today?" Lily asked. "No, I'm going to play." She said, and hurried up the stairs. "How much does the girl now?" Lucius asked. "Enough." Lily said, watching him sit down in the recliner. She handed him the remote to the television. "I've got to check on Draco again." She said.

American Muggle life. Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum