Chapter 18: Movie Night

Start from the beginning

"I hear by doube thee, Lady Janetta, as a savior. Not only to Denver, but to the world." Xavier interrupts in the same bad accent taking his Chick-fil-a straw and placing it on both of my shoulders. I bite my lip trying not to burst out laughing.

"Here My Lady. Take this sacred gift kindness." Nick says holding out a ketchup packet like a servant that is unworthy to be in the presence of a king. Or in this case a Queen.

"Why thank you young sir. But I believe accepting this major award would be unacceptable and an act of selfishness." I say still doing the cheesy accent

"A Major Award!!" Dylan screams out getting my movie reference. (The Grinch who stole Christmas) And we all burst out laughing just because of the whole scene.

After 5 more minutes of pure laughter and a few snorts which caused more laughter to erupt. We remembered how to breath properly we finally all calm down, well most of us. (We're not quite sure about Kyle). I got up from the table and cleaned up my sandwich stuff and threw it in the trash before looking in the fridge for something else to eat. I look in the fruit drawer and saw it was filled almost to the brim with mainly apples, oranges, pears, grapes, and many other fruits.

"It's like an orchard in here." I say before grabbing an apple and heading back to the table.

"Yeah, Mom makes up eat at least 2 fruits a day." Gavin says and I nod my head and take a bite into the juicy apple.

"That's right, Gavin. Speaking of which, have you had your two today?" Sara says coming into the house from the garage with a large suitcase behind her and following that, Scott enters also carrying a large suitcase.

"Mom! Dad!" Spencer yells and the whole table gets up in no time running over and bear hugging Sara and Scott.

"It's so good to see you guys." Scott says giving everyone a big bear hug.

"Hi Janetta." Scott calls out and turn around and give a smile still sitting in my chair.

Do I go over there and give them a hug?

Would that be awkward considering their not m-

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Mr. Meyer pulled me into a big bone crushing bear hug.

"I'm glad your back." I awkwardly say giving a hug back though.

It would be rude to just stand there

They are feeding me.

Finally Mr. Meyer lets go and Sara comes up behind me giving me another bone crushing hug. I hug back still not being disrespectful. Sara finally lets go and grabs her bags from the entry way and heading upstairs to their room. Some of the boys are back at the table cleaning up their dinner mess and washing the dishes. I head over to the living room where the rest of the boys are laying down scrolling through channels on the TV. Evan, Chris, and Brendon are all sitting on the the large couch as Patrick is laying across their laps looking quite comfortable. Dylan, Kyle, Like and Ian are laying on the floor with blankets and pillows littering the floor. Nick, and Robert are in some position in the large chair. Spencer, Danny and Xavier are as snug as a bug in a rug on one of the love seats with a big blanket covering all three of them. Mason is on the other love seat laying with a blanket over as his lower half and his legs are hanging over the edge of the arm rest. I smirk as I have made my decision of where to sit.

"Slide over" I whisper softly into Mason's ear. He rustles a little but doesn't move. "Slide over big boy." I whisper more seductively into his ear. He groans and stirs once again, but still shows no movement to slide over. "Slide over, Mason" I say once again a little more aggressive, but he still doesn't move.

So that's how he's going to play.

"Move over!" I scream in German right in his ear and Mason falls off the couch with alert eyes as I take this chance to steal his warm spot off the couch.

"Hey! That was my spot!" He says with a frown on his face

"Well now it's mine." I say nonchalantly as a glint of mischief are in Mason's bright blue eyes.

"Fine." He replies before crawling over me and laying down next to me. My back is pressed against his chest as he slings his arm around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I ask uncomfortable with the sudden actions but I will never admit that I'm actually comfortable right now.

Mason's POV

I wrapped my arm around Janetta's tiny waist. Although it was a little awkward I was extremely comfortable with this position. Her slim figure pressed against my chest as I held her tight. Dylan continued looking through channels as we are in the 200 hundreds now. Finally on channel 296 they were replaying Disney movies and Mulan was on.

"Ooooohhhhh. Ooohhh. Select! Select!" Mom called coming into the living room with a smoothie in her hands. Dylan clicked on the channel and we started watching Mulan. "Did you know, Janetta hasn't seen ANY Disney movies!" Mom says and we all gasp. Yeah we might be guys but a nice Disney movie sometimes is fun to watch.

The military part comes on and Spencer and Robert get up and start doing some type of ninja move type dance on the floor and I feel Janetta's chest vibrate as she chuckles at the boys. We continue watching and Dad comes down stairs with a pair of fruit loop pajama pants and slippers on. He comes and sits down next to Mom putting an arm lovingly around her. We keep watching and slowly I feel Janetta's heart beat slow down and her chest rising and falling at a normal pace now. I keep my eyes open and continue watching as the Hans take the emperor of China and Mulan must go save him. Finally the movie ends and pretty one is asleep except Evan, Dad, Chris, Hunter, Brendon, and I.

"Come on guys. Lets take them upstairs." Dad says and we nod our heads. Dad picks Mom up gently and carries her upstairs bridal style with her brown hair hanging from her head like a shower curtain. Evan and Chris take Danny and Patrick to their rooms as Hunter grabs Robert and takes him up to his room. I squeeze out of my position and take Spencer and Brendon takes Nick to their appropriate rooms. Chris, Hunter and I take Ian, Kyle and Luke upstairs before Chris, Hunter, Brendon, and Evan head to their own rooms.

"I've got J." I say and go back downstairs and pick up Janetta bridal style. She stirs a little before nuzzling into my neck and I carry her, as gently as a I can to her room. Although I really want to take her to my room so she can sleep with me but I take her to her room instead, because I don't think she would like to wake up in my room. I placed her on her bed and she made herself comfortable and I pulled the covers over her body. She looked so peaceful sleeping. So toned and beautiful.

She looks beautiful all the time.

And she was the only thing I could think of all night long.

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