The Calling of Ezekiel

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Published May 20th, 2024. 

"The Lord's hand was on him." -Ezekiel 1:3b 

As we begin reading the first few chapters of Ezekiel, we see the BEAUTIFUL GLORY AND HEART of God in Ezekiel's life. We see in the chapter one when the Lord first encounters Ezekiel amongst the exiles by the Chebar Canal. 


In Chapter Two, we see God call out to Ezekiel. Ezekiel describes that he saw the heavens open around him, and he sees angels/cherubim surround him, gives beautiful descriptions of what they look like and how they surround him. We also see him describe the throne of God, who calls out to him, calling him 'son of man'. 


As God begins to talk to Ezekiel, He tells Ezekiel the blessed line, "do not be afraid', calling him out to speak to the house of Israel, which God warns him will not listen. God tells him to not be discouraged, and reminds him to continue to speak no matter what the people say. 


Ezekeil receives his calling from the Lord. God is the only one who knows our true purpose. He is the one who still comes to us, opening the heavens and speaking to us in the midst of whatever circumstance we are in, giving us our calling! 

Each one of us has calling. One that is perfectly made by our heavenly father!


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