Daniel 11:32 and Justice

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Published May 13th, 2024 

Daniel 11:23 tells us, "With flattery he will corrupt those who act wickedly towards the covenant, but the people who know their God will be strong and take action." 

What does this mean for justice? 

-we are to walk closely to/with our God 

-stand firm on the truth of His word

-take action for what He has called us to do 

In some versions of this verse, it says that God's people go out and exploit. But does that mean for us? It means that He wants to go mighty things in us. The plans that God has for us are so beyond what we can even understand, think about, or imagine. 

We are like lightning bolts, making our mark on the world by the glorious love and strength blessed onto us by our Father who is in heaven. When God wages war, so do we. 

May we be a people who fights for justice, bringing light into the darkness, hope for the hopeless, and joy in every place here on earth! Never be afraid to do what the Lord has called you to do. For He is good, and He will never make you do anything alone. 


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