Nothing Can Stop You!

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Published March 21st, 2024. 

Matthew 19:26 tells us, "With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible." 

If the sea couldn't stop Moses...

If a wall couldn't stop Joshua...

If a giant couldn't stop David...

If death couldn't stop Jesus...

Then with God, NOTHING can stop you!

Psalms 24:8 says, "He is unstoppable. The enemy will attack but cannot stand against our God who is unstoppable." 

I pray that you may be unstoppable in Christ. That whatever mountain, whatever giant, whatever fortress that is in your way may be removed by the might hand of God. I pray that the Lord can prevail within you, within your family, within your friends, within your city, and beyond. I proclaim peace over you, and that you may always be strong and courageous, knowing that the Lord is with you wherever you go. 

You are never alone, my friend. And with this, I pray a loud and loving AMEN. 

God bless and remember that Jesus loves us and is always besides you, cheering you on. 


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