What To Remember When Rejected

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Published May 17th, 2024. 

What to remember in times of rejection: 

"Satan knows what consumes us, controls us." -Lysa TerKeurst Embraced 

1. One rejection is not a projection of future failures! 

-acknowledge hurt, but it is not permanent 

-replace negative talk with praises to God 

2. There is usually some element of protection wrapped in every rejection! 

-God allows things to unfold a certain way for our protection 

-in His mercy, He allows things to happen that sometimes hurt us

3. This is a short-term setback, not a permanent condition! 

-the emotions we feel will ease over time 

-do not allow the negatives to overpower us (THIS ONE IS KEY) 

-allow the mistakes to refine us so that we can grow 

No matter what, rejection hurts. It doesn't matter what it is, a relationship, a job, a part in a show, a family member passing you by, an opportunity that feels completely ripped out of your hands. But no matter what happens, rejection will never hold you down. 

I can tell you from experience that I've been rejected from LOADS of things. But as time goes on, I've realized that God has always had my back, and those rejections led me to places that allow me to flourish and grow in ways that I would never dream if I didn't get rejected in the first place. And when I got the things that I did want (good grades, a part in a show I auditioned for, a place with a friend group) it felt amazing! And it also correlated perfectly with where God wanted me at that time! 

So, trust in God, my friends. Because He is good. And He knows exactly where He wants you, and He's got your back no matter what. :) 


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