Given Up: Part Eight (story)

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A day or two after part seven.

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The moment they made contact with the Darkness, it was pandemonium. Battles were always chaotic, too many moving pieces to be fully aware of everything. This one seemed to have taken the cake however. It was as if one second Sabre was next to him as they led the Colorless Guards and the next everyone was fighting.

Sabre and him fought side by side, each one keeping the other in their sights. Darkness tried to reach out and claw them, only to be struck down by a sword or spear. Light, in the brief moments of reprieve when he slain one Darkness, saw Sabre occasionally use the shield Light allowed him to borrow as a weapon.

They cut through the Darkness, before reaching an empty area. An empty area, besides the one person that was in it. Corruption Steve floated in the air, gazing down at the two of them with contempt clear in his face.

Light kept his eyes on Corruption, listening to him drone on about true peace and how they were going to fail in stopping them. Sabre was next to him, tense, the Shadow Sword and shield ready to defend and attack.

The Light Crystal hummed deep within him. He could feel each breath get colder and colder as more energy was pooled into his body in preparation of the fight. It was as if the Light Crystal itself knew that this would be the final battle and that after this, there was no more fighting.

“Do you really think you can stop me?” Corruption crowed from where he hovered, indigo eyes glowing, bathing his face in the minimal light. “You bunch of worthless, unprepared knights?”

Sabre seemed to bristle next to him, face twisting as he opened his mouth to retort. A dark energy seemed to swell from Sabre, the dreadful sword being the cause.

Light stepped forward, and he felt the dark energy dwindle back down as Sabre allowed him to take the stage. He held his head high with confidence he did not feel.  “Be quiet.” The words that left him were emotionless. A copy of how he spoke when he first fused with the Light Crystal. It was better than the slowly building anger that Light could feel. How dare he insinuate that they were weak; They did not last this long because they were defenseless. “I've been training. I bet I could take you on myself.”

“That's true.” Even over the din of the fighting of his men and the Darkness behind them, Sabre's voice seemed to ring out as he took his place next to Light once more. “Light Steve has gotten stronger. We all have.”

Corruption merely snorted. “I doubt that highly.”  With that statement, he quit his flight, dropping to the ground. Dust flew up from where he landed, only a few strides away.

Sabre let out a low growl next to him. It was an unstevely sound that had his hairs stand on end. No Steve would be able to make that sound, not that low and drawn out at least. A reminder that the person next to him wasn't like them.

“You're so confident to come down here on our level huh?” Sabre's words were as sharp as the Shadow Sword he held. “You're going to regret all of this!”

Light nodded in agreement, adjusting his grip on his spear in preparation. “Do you want to try?” He taunted.

Corruption’s eyes narrowed as a snarl appeared. Darkness bubbled up around and on him as he spat out. “Indeed.”

Sabre shifted next to him, head snapping to the side as he looked away from Corruption. Light tensed, but didn't look away from Corruption. If they both were distracted, Corruption would be the type to take advantage of that.

“Soul!” Sabre called out. Corruption's eyes flicked to his ally, before meeting Light's gaze once more. An impasse; Both waiting for the other to make their move.

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