Wrong Beginnings (Writing)

309 20 19

This was supposed to be a completely happy chapter, but Sabre decided he has trauma™ (which he very much does) and it ended up bittersweet.

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Sabre pulled on his white cloak as they stood in the new Orange Village. Even with the comforting fabric draped over him, giving him some semblance of comfort, he could feel his hairs stand on end as he stood in front of the small crowd. Sabre knew they weren't looking at him, he still could feel everyone's eyes, making anxiety crawl underneath his skin.

Yet, even if Sabre felt uncomfortable, Dark managed to look even more uncomfortable. He stood in front of him, gazing softly at him and Rainbow, yet shifting side to side. Occasionally his eyes would flick away from them to gaze at the slowly growing crowd around them.

After everything—everyonethis was how Dark was going to go? Sabre wasn't sure if he was upset or not about how anticlimactic it was. Everything that happened right before and after Dark’s creation and it ends like this?

Sabre still remembers the fear he felt when he saw Dark Steve exit the machine the first time all that time ago, held in place by the two Yellow Guards. Unable to process the fact he just watched his only friend die in front of him.

The crowd mumbled behind him uneasily. Even with Dark in the end helping them, Dark was still made of Darkness. Even though Sabre knew Dark wasn't made of complete Darkness, he and everyone else still got that uncanny feeling that people usually get when they're around things infected with Drkness.

Dark shifted slightly, looking down and off to the side. “Before this happens and I…go…Can I…speak with you?” Dark words were hesitant, but he managed to get them out.

Sabre blinked before nodding, heading off to the side where the crowd could see them but not hear. He knew it would worry Rainbow if they both went out of sight. Usually bad things happened if Sabre was left alone for periods of time and all his friends seemed to pick up on that fact.

They stood in the shadow of a nearby house. Sabre shivered slightly at the slight drop in temperature, shaking his head when Dark gave him a curious look. He wasn't about to try and explain their body temperature differences at the moment.

Dark opened his mouth a few times as he scuffed the ground with his shoe, the gravel formed a small pile on the ground. “I just…You…” Dark frowned. “You've…changed.” Dark stated.

Sabre nodded. He knew that fact quite intimately. Trauma and all would do that to someone. The Sabre that arrived in the world was not the Sabre he was today. All he had were the broken shards of his past self that he hastily glued together to try and get some semblance of order.

“Haven't we all?” Sabre replied.

Dark gave a small smile as he huffed, before the smile fell flat. “I’m sorry.” Dark ran a hand through his hair. “For…everything.” He tacked on.

Sabre shook his head. “Don't be. You did what you thought was best.” Too much has happened for him to hold a grudge against Dark.

“So did you.”

Sabre nodded in agreement. Both of them tried what they thought was best, even if it was opposite of what the other thought. The two fell silent. In the corner of his eye, he could see Light and Rainbow discussing something.

“Assistant cares for you.” Dark blurted out. He paused, tilting his head to the side. “So does Happy.” He added on.

Sabre frowned. Why would either one care for him after he failed them? They were gone and not coming back because of him. “Why?” Sabre asked.

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