Biology Differences: Part One

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Pretty much anything titled this going to be a different scenario that involves differences between Sabre and the Steves. If it is apart of an AU, it will be stated in the title.

Also, so this makes sense, have some fun little things:

"...torpor is a survival tactic used by animals to survive the winter months. It also involves a lower body temperature, breathing rate, heart rate, and metabolic rate. But unlike hibernation, torpor appears to be an involuntary state that an animal enters..."

"...poorwills can go into a state of torpor when conditions are harsh and ​food is scarce, saving energy until conditions improve."

Poorwills are a type of bird ;3

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Green Leader huffed as he flipped through the pages and pages of reports from various Green Steves stationed across the kingdoms. With winter suddenly taking hold on the land sooner than expected, several Steves managed to fall ill with various sicknesses, causing the need of Green Steves across the land.

The shortage of food wasn't helping. Weakening everyone as they got used to the lack of food.

Green looked up when heard voices slowly filter into the meeting room. Light and Orange Leader walked it, each one discussing something in low tones, but wore happy expressions. They paused when they saw him, before giving him a greeting which he returned. He turned back to his papers, absorbing any last minute information.

The next ones to enter were Indigo, Blue, and Violet all in one clump, followed by Yellow Leader. The last ones to enter were Sabre–who  slammed a wing into the doorframe– and Red, though he did ask to be called M still. Green could understand his reluctance to be called Red Leader. Green knew it took him quite a while to get used to being the Leader instead of the Green Apprentice.

The two of them settled into their seats. Sabre propped his head up with a hand, his wings drooping behind him. The friendly conversation pittered out and the meeting began.

"How's everyone's kingdom doing?" Violet was the first one to break the silence.

"The majority of the Red Steves are waiting for sicknesses to stop spreading before they leave the Kingdom, but the ones that have left seem to be settling in well, even with sudden winter temps and the food shortage." M spoke up.

A few smiles broke out, happy with the news. The fact that Red Steves weren't extinct was great news, but several of them were fearful they would remain cut off from the rest of them. However, it seems as if M was actually adamant about having them slowly integrate back into society before he became Leader, so they had nothing to worry about.

"How's the Colorless Guards doing Light?" Green asked. With them moving around a lot, they had a higher chance of catching the illness, especially with the cold settling in. He had to know if he needed to spare a few Green Steves to help the guards.

Light groaned, running a hand through his hair. Not a good sign. "A good third of them are sick and many others are showing symptoms."

Green winced. He looked down at his reports, flipping through a few of the pages. "I could move some of the Green Steves into the Headquarters until this passes."

Light shook his head. "The Green Steves that are guards have already set up a station, so there's no need."

"If you could spare a few of your color," Orange piped up. "That would be appreciated. Over half the kingdom is down, and the remaining healthy ones are struggling to keep up with the demand for supplies."

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