Mixed Creation (Story)

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We were investigated today. Some idiot broke into the Mob DNA Laboratory. Several DNA samples were either trashed or stolen. The Director is foaming at the mouth trying to figure out who did it.

I believe they are worried about what is going to happen with the stolen DNA. With Project R just ending and Project S going to start in a month or two, the Council really doesn't want to delay Project S to hunt down the thief.

Apparently the Beginning-Stage workers are under even more scrutiny than us.

Heh, glad I'm not them.

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Just found out why the Project Director is livid. Some of the trashed and stolen DNA belong to the Wither and End Dragon. So many people died to get those samples and some idiot just spat on their graves.

The person hasn't come forward, but they're in the building somewhere. Idiot didn't think about the lockdown and quarantine from the other Project Sites. Can't wait till this is over with.

Project S is going to start in the next day or two. So I guess I'm not out of a job at least.

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We've been told to fake several Project S’ deaths. The public knows about the projects, but they think the S section is just going to be scientists.

Most will be, but with tensions rising…

Well, soldiers also start with S.

At least the public doesn't know about Project A.

The public thinks they're all artists. Yeah right.

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The person who stole the DNA was found. Poor Lucas wasn't expecting his mentor to be the one. He's been assigned to me for now.

I hate how they call the Projects that don't go to their designated career Defects. Lucas seems happy helping around the Site though, so that's good. Dr. Juren was an Early-Stage Developmenter, so all the science here is new for Lucas.

The Director has been breathing down my neck. I think he's just keeping an eye on Lucas to see if he knew about the whereabouts of the missing DNA.

Dr. Juren hasn't said what he's done with it. He's been arrested, so maybe he'll spill the beans later.

I don't think Lucas knows where it went, but the close watch is unnerving him. I don't blame him.

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Lucas is staying here with me. Apparently they want to see if there is a behavioral difference in raising a Project with an older Project. Several others are being assigned one of the defects that help around the sites in the coming days.

Lucas seems pleased with the development. It was probably getting lonely being the only child in the entire site. Many of the Defects that stay at the Sites tend to avoid this Site.

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I have been assigned my Project until they get moved to the next stage. I always forget how small they are in the Growing Tubes. Lucas hasn't left the tube’s side since it was transferred to my lab. As I'm writing this, he's currently passed out on the floor next to it. He didn't want to go to our living quarters and ended up falling asleep on the floor.

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