Betrayal: Part Two (story)

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Heads up, there is a large time slip between part one and this one. Sabre's choice isn't sudden, it's just the slow descent was skipped. It has been nearly a month of being exiled. Also, during this time, some Colorless Guards decided to attack Sabre, which did not help the Chromatics in any way.

— — —

Void stared as, for the first time in a while, he felt his mind go blank in confusion and surprise.

For, across the clearing Void was just about to leave, Sabre appeared, pushing a few tree limbs out of the way.

Void could see the moment Sabre caught sight of him. His entire body tensed, his hands flicking closer to the sword on his side. Sabre stood across the clearing, mouth parted in a small 'o', looking just as lost as he felt. Shadow hovered slightly off to the side, head turning slightly to look between the two.

"What are you doing here?" Void asked. It was a genuine question, for they were far away from the Rainbow Kingdom and his lair, meaning for a reason unknown to Void, Sabre was out here doing something.

"What are you doing here?" Sabre parroted back. Void could already feel a headache coming on. He hoped his looked as done as he felt. "Like, seriously, you're lair is no where near here so clearly you're out here doing something!" Sabre continued on, crossing his arms with a desisive nod.

It was true, and he was going to say so to at least taunt Sabre, but the white and red fabric that barely showed under Sabre's sleeve caught his attention.

Were those...bandages?

Void looked at Sabre closer. A few leaves and sticks were caught in his hair, with his clothes looking like they've seen better days. What caught his attention though was that Sabre seemed to be favoring one leg as he stood.

There was no way any Green Steve would allow Sabre to just leave the Rainbow Kingdom with this many injuries, especially this bad. Meaning Sabre got injured and hasn't gone back to the kingdom for some reason.

Sabre swayed slightly, before seemingly gathering his balance once more. Shadow frowned, hand slightly raised before bringing it back to his body.

"Are you lost?"

Sabre let out a sputtering sound before gathering his thoughts. "I am not lost!" Sabre's voice rose an octave.

"Can't be lost if we have no where to go..." Shadow mumbled.

"Not now." It was barely audible, and had Void not seen and heard Shadow, he probably wouldn't have been listening enough to hear Sabre hiss the two words to Shadow.

"Are you sure?" Void flicked his eyes up and down, taking another look. A stuffed bag, also looking worse for wear, was on his back.

"What's that supposed to mean!"

"Well..." Void hummed. "You look like you haven't seen a town in days-"

"Weeks." Shadow scoffed.

"-and you-" The word make Void paused. "I'm sorry?" He looked at Shadow. "What did you say?"

Both of them looked shocked. Shadow pointed to himself. "Me?"

"Yes, you."


"You can see me?"

"Yes. Now, what did you say?"

Shadow stood, shocked still. "We haven't seen a town in a few weeks Void." Sabre grounded out. "Happy?"

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