Crossed Worlds (AU/Story)

311 21 65

I took LoneRanger's idea for the SS part of this. I like the idea that after the End Crystal and Everything, everyone's there, but either on the villain's' side or the Rainbow Town's side.


After the End Crystal, the world reset. Everyone that Sabre met was dropped into the world and suddenly had to get used to their new living situation.

After all the heartfelt emotions of all his friends back and some time passes, the villains attack. They fight them off, and then things go back to normal.

Soon after, it comes to light that none of them can die and stay dead. They pretty much just die and then respawn back at their base or house.

With that fact, the fights pretty much turn into letting off steam and a few undiscussed rules are added as things get figured out.

The town and their lair is off limits damage wise, but the others are able to sneak in if they want. No ambushing someone who's out gathering supplies, but if they consent to the fight then go for it. Try to give your opponent a quick death, since even if they're coming back, dying still hurts. Simple things.

Then a new villain appears, one that's going after the Rainbow Town members and the other villains. Then its figured out its acually two villains.

Divergent Steve. They're after a select few people, while killing the rest. (not that killing them does anything.) While having the normal Steve powers, the two also have the ability to create portals, which they use to come and go.

During another attack from them, a minor slip happens.

Moving on-

After the time loop in RQ, Sabre and Time manage to drag themselve back to where they belong. During that time gone, another Rainbow Kingdom was made. This one is mostly used for shops and other things for all the colors, while few Steves acually live there.

Sabre was---to his shock---put in charge of the kingdom, since he wasn't a color or a Steve, so no one can call favoritism.

Things settle down, and then, much to Sabre's dismay, a new villian appears.

Again, Divergent Steve.

Now Sabre has to take care of his kingdom while trying to fight off this new villian.

During one of their appearances in the Kingdom, something-or rather-someones else ends up coming with.

– – – Story – – –

Sabre felt like screaming.

That is not a new feeling. Sabre is quite well known with his friends and enemies for being quite loud when he wants. Heck! Half the time he doesn’t even say words but rather odd sounds. His brain being more focused on not dying most of the time to say proper words.

Unlike popular belief, Sabre does have the ability to bite down on his urge to make some sort of sound. Does he do it often? Not really, but he does do it. So Sabre holding down frustrated screams was not an unknown feeling. 

An odd feeling, yes, but not new.

It was especially not new when the new villain—which wasn’t that a surprise— had decided they wished to end the multiverse and do experiments on his friends, but mainly him. That was also something Sabre was quite familiar with.

Not the experimentation part, but rather the killing of his friends and ending the world part. 

So yes, him swallowing his anger so he could focus and ya know, not die again or get kidnapped, wasn’t anything new. 

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