Crystal Fusion (Story): Part One

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Wasn't expecting this AU were you? Neither was I!

Anyways, Happy Easter if you celebrate it. If not, uh- happy Sunday?

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Sabre wrung his hands together as he paced back and forth in the living room. The quiet patter of his footfalls being the only thing keeping his anxiety at bay. In the kitchen, he could hear Rain—Orange— he could hear Orange cleaning. Both of them were stressed, waiting for the thunder to signal the Leaders’ arrival. 

Even if Light took Sabre's new…look well, none of them knew how the Leaders were going to react. Besides Green, for obvious reasons. For all Sabre knew they could demand the crystals back and find another Steve to be the hero. Or, if things went for the worst, they would ask Orange to stay the hero. Darkness or not, Sabre wasn’t going to put that on his friend again. If they want Orange to be the hero so badly, then they had another thing coming.

Green was outside, waiting for his fellow Leaders and Light to arrive. From the ocasion glance out the window, Sabre could see Green Leader sitting on the edge of the steps. It was a nice day out, one he and Orange would have rather spent outdoors. It was the mere anxiety of the Leaders arriving when they were outside, not giving them a chance to organize their thoughts, that kept them in the four walls of their home. 

Green, having no such qualms, left the house after it became clear to him that neither Sabre or Orange were going to calm down anytime soon.

Sabre pulled a knife from one of the holsters, fiddling with it instead of wringing his hands together. The leather strap wrapped around the handle was rough, only smooth where he often held it. The material wore down by the friction. 

The need to move, to do something, to fight, hummed within him, yet all he could do was pace. His mind was unable to focus on a task long enough to alleviate some of the nervous energy yet demanding the energy to be used for something.

Sabre honestly wasn't sure if it was the Crystals energy or his anxiety that was making him feel that way. He knew after all the events so far that he definitely gained some form of anxiety and/or PTSD, and dealt with it like most of his problems since he's been here. If he couldn’t stab it, he ignored it. It's worked so far.

The dull thunk of plastic bouncing echoed from the kitchen had him tensing, only to relax. The clatter of some dish was soon followed by Orange's grumbling. Even with the gut twisting anxiety that flowed through him, he gave a small huff of laughter. There was a reason why they only had plastic or metal dishware and that reason was Orange.

Thunder rumbled overhead as lightning flashed through the windows. The bright light only lasted a few seconds, yet felt like a lifetime. There was no going back from this.

For a brief second, the entire house was silent as both of them froze mid action.

Sabre took a deep breath, sliding the knife back into its sheath. He tugged on his sleeves uneasily as an unsteady breath escaped him. Orange slipped out of the kitchen, drying his hands as he went. The towel was discarded, tossed to drape over the stair’s railing. Some soap suds were in his hair.

Sabre bounced on the balls of his feet, shaking his hands as he went. He can do this. Not much has changed, it was just that he had the Crystals instead of Ra- Orange. They—well, he at least- was still going to fight the Darkness. There was just a slight change in heroes. That’s all. They still had the Crystals and nothing bad happened to them.

He could hear quiet talking get louder and louder. Various greetings extended to Green, which by the muffled sound of his voice, he reciprocated.

A knock on the door. “You two still in there?” Green's voice called came from the other side.

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