Betrayal: Part Six (story): The Remaining Strands of Morality

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Note: I decided to not bold the villains talking, since that was getting tiring. That's all. Oh, and a lot of you are going to hate the leaders. :)

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Sabre swung his legs as he sat on the tall stone wall, watching the scenery in front of him. The Rainbow Kingdom was spread out in front of him, flames encasing a good chunk of it by now.

Off in the distance, he could see Void and Shadow fighting some Colorless Guards, and on the other side Corruption and Soul seemed to be fighting some more.

From what he could see they were having fun. Well, Shadow was at least. He always enjoyed attacking the kingdoms more than just towns and villages.

Sabre gave a yawn, leaning back and propping himself up with his hands. The stone felt cold and wet under his hands as he watched the flames. The fire had yet to reach the wall (thankfully, since he was still on it), meaning the dew had yet to evaporate from the heat.

Another yawn forced its way out as Sabre rubbed his eye with a hand. While he knew they had to attack the Rainbow Kingdom early in the morning, he still wasn't pleased about it. He swears Shadow took all of his extra energy when they figured out how to give him a physical form, since there was no way Shadow was that hyper normally and Sabre not to be.

He glanced up at the sky. Most of it was covered in black smoke, but faintly through the smoke he could see the sky turning lighter as the sun slowly rose. A few embers danced around in the wind, a flurry of reds and oranges and yellows that burned bright enough it could replace the sun.

He heard the whoosh of wind; a sound quite common with a Steve flying. Glancing towards the other four showed Void and Shadow  gone, and the other two moved.

Footsteps appeared behind him. "Sabre." Void said.

He didn't bother turning around. "Hey Void. What brings you up here man?" He glanced behind him.

Sabre watched Void lean against the stone railing he was sitting on. Sabre looked back out at the fire. None of it was close to the wall yet, so they had plenty of time before the TNT he laid was set off.

"When I said you could set fire to the place, I didn't mean burn it before we could even start attacking it."

Sabre hummed. "My bad."

Void merely let out a long sigh. "Also, why didn't you start from the center? Wouldn't that been the smart choice?"

Sabre smiled. "It was nice to start it in my house."

Void merely hummed. They feel silent for a few moments, before Void pushes himself off the wall. "It's about time to go."

Sabre groaned. "Already?"

"Remember the last time you stayed past the suggested time alone?"

Sabre groaned. "Okay look man, I honestly- I didn't think Violet had it in them to knock me out. I've learned my lesson, you don't need to come check up on me like some child."

"We don't need a repeat and you do get lost in your head a lot."

Sabre gave him a side glance. "Just because I get distracted by the fires doesn't mean I'm not that unaware." Void merely gave him an unimpressed look. "Okay fine fine! Jeez, I promise I'll be safe."

Sabre turned, swinging his leg onto the other side, standing up and dusting off some ash and dust from his clothing. Almost all of his hoodie was black, much to his despair. The only thing that hasn't changed was the remnants of the rainbow blanket. No matter how much darkness gets on it, the blanket just repels it.

AU Collection, Stories, and FanartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora