Player AU

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I'm going to try to explain this the best I can, so hoping it makes sense. What if Sabre was actually more like a person playing Minecraft? Taking the ‘player’ aspect and making it true.

The Sabre that the Steves know is Sabre, but at the same time isn't. His body is more or less just a vessel Sabre created for him to inhabit worlds so he can interact with things. Without the vessel, Sabre is pretty much a bundle of energy with thoughts and feelings.

Eldritch horror anyone?

It's not obvious in the beginning, since all the odd things are just covered up with the fact that Sabre isn't from their world. Except as time goes on, things start adding up to where they have to question what exactly is Sabre.

The AU starts out the same as cannon, only with one thing different. As Red Scout chases Sabre, he notices that Sabre's movements look almost jerky. That reason is because Sabre is pretty much still getting used to controlling his body again. Later on, his movement won't be as bad, but still there if you look closely.

The Darkness is released, Red Scout is corrupted and killed, yada yada.

It's a few days later when Orange realizes that Sabre doesn't have another chance of clothes. That's when the next odd thing about Sabre pops up. Sabre, who is wearing white clothing, isn't dirty at all. Sabre, who was in contact with Darkness, doesn't have a speck of dust on him. Even with everything that has happened, it looks like Sabre just arrived into their world.

The more Orange watches, the more he realizes nothing of the sort stays on Sabre. No mud, dirt, water, Darkness. Absolutely nothing.

Orange is jealous, but other than that doesn't think much about it. Sabre isn't from this world, so it's probably the norm there. He wasn't going to be rude and make Sabre feel like an oddball of something that's not hurting anyone.

Of course, after Rainbow dies and all that trauma happens, whoever is with Sabre for long periods of time also notices that, but it's not the most obvious quirk of Sabre's.

The most obvious one that people quickly discover is that Sabre just doesn't get tired. As long as he has a constant source of food, Sabre is set. Sabre can sleep if he wants to, but it wouldn't kill him if he doesn't.

Though the Steves discover a fun little quirk about Sabre not sleeping for several days in a row.


The way they spawn in this au, and not any other hostile mob, is that the longer a player—aka, Sabre—stays awake, the more energy is released from Sabre. Mix the excessive energy in with the sleep deprivation and tada, phantoms.

Of course, that isn't the only obvious quirk of Sabre's. Another is inventory. Of course, in canon, Sabre has to use his inventory to actually be able to hold things. In our stories however, inventory isn't really a thing. 

Sabre can summon his entire inventory whenever, but it's easier for him to use his comm. The hot bar is slightly different, but I'll get into that later.

Now, about comms. They're pretty much the in game version of using chat, along with the settings. The fun thing about it is that while the Steves can see the comm, it always looks powered off to them. A black screen is the only thing they would see.  Now, when Sabre uses the comm, a holographic screen pops up, to which he can tap and move things around as he likes. The Steves cannot see it.

The hot bar is almost like a holographic bracelet around his wrist, with his hearts—yes he can eat to heal— and a hunger bar above it. If Sabre is holding something, and moves to another square in the hot bar, the item just disappears. If something is in the square Sabre moved to, it will obviously reappear.

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