Blind AU

390 26 57

The title should really hint at what this one is.

The blindfold Sabre wears isn't a fashion choice, well it is but isn't. Sabre is completely blind. Since he'd rather people not comment on the fact his eyes are never focused, he just covers them up. Problem solved. Everyone in his town and the surrounding area knows the fact he can't see, so they never comment on it.

Except when Sabre ends up meeting the Steves. Some question the blindfold and 'how can you see through that?'

'Oh, I can't.'



Anyways, Sabre grows up getting used to the lack of sight. As he grows up he ends up becoming really good at figuring out what's going on by sound and vibrations. It gets to the point where if someone didn't know Sabre, they wouldn't know he was blind.

With the lack of sight, all of his other senses dial up to 200. Mainly hearing and touch.

Sabre is pretty much constantly making noise and listening to it echo. Different materials make different sounds, so he can tell what the main thing a room is made out of. Fighting is slightly different, since he mostly uses the sounds of his opponent moving to figure out what the hell they're doing.

Of course, this has a downside. Loud noises can really screw up his senses, making him virtually blind AND deaf, so Sabre typically doesn't go into large towns and cities. Rain and wind also can make it a struggle to navigate around if he doesn't know the area well, so he tends to hunker down if it starts raining if Sabre is in a place he doesn't know that well.

Now onto the main thing, the Steves.

So Sabre gets lured into the tomb by seeing that Blue Steve...except Sabre can't see, so how does Sabre end up in the tomb?

What happens that day is Sabre and his friends go out for a walk or whatever through the woods, and during that Sabre hears something odd that doesn't belong in the woods.

Sabre, who is well known by his friends for being distracted by something only to come right back, darts off and his friends don't think much about it.

By this time, Sabre is basically a master at navigating around the forest and woods with ease via sound, so his friends don't worry too much about him. They're pretty much like, 'op, there he goes again :/' and continue with what they were going, his yelling out to Sabre to be careful.

Being Sabre, he goes to find where that sound is coming from to see if he can figure out what it is. Sabre gets led to the tomb and he is a little cautious about going into a 'cave', but realizes there are stairs so down he goes.

Sabre would not survive a horror movie.

Sabre ends up getting tossed out of the portal and is severely confused, because by the sounds of it, he is in a house, which he very much wasn't before. Understandable. Sabre ends up hearing Red Steve, and manages to nearly sneak out before he is caught.

Sabre doesn't understand where he ended up, but he can tell he was very far from home and in some stranger's house. Which most people would not take kindly to, so Sabre flees. Sabre does accidentally run into the door, before opening it.

Red Steve notices something is up with Sabre as he's trying to catch up to him, but can't tell what. Red Steve catches Sabre yada yada.

When the Red Steve leads Sabre to the Temple, he gets a very bad feeling. Red thinks it's just the situation settling into Sabre and just causing bad anxiety.

Nope! Sabre can more or less feel vibrations the darkness causing through the ground making him feel sick, but doesn't realize that's what that is yet. Darkness gets released and all that jazz.

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