Betrayal: Part Four (story): The Discovery

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Light cursed as he raced towards the smoke that slowly rose over the hill. The path that led to the village was worn down, allowing them easy access up the hill instead of fighting through the bush and bramble of the woods around them.

Several of his guards followed behind, their armor clanking with each footfall. Light barely had time to properly put on his armor for the day before a Yellow Steve came bursting in through the Rainbow Kingdom's gates, yelling about an attack.

The woods ended as they came over the crest of the hill. The sun, barely risen, shone directly in his eyes now that it wasn't being blocked by the trees. The path was winding down the hill, before turning to cobblestone as it got closer to an arch signifying the start of the village.

The Yellow Village would have been picturesque had Soul and Corruption not be currently attacking it. Already a good chunk of the building was destroyed, but that's not what was causing the smoke.

The nearby fields were lit up with flames, the dry wheat that was about to be harvested burning with ease. Sadly, it seemed as if starting a fire was becoming a habit of the two, since this was the third place that has been set aflame.

Without prompting the group ran down the hill, occasionally sliding when the dirt suddenly switched from packed to normal. The guards split up once they reached the gate, each one heading into the town to help where they could. Faintly, he could see the one in the front have small yellow bolts of energy coming out of the armor.

More than likely the Yellow Steve inside the armor knows people in the town. Light hoped this time there were no casualties, but that was becoming rarer by the day. Especially now that Soul or Corruption decided arson was the way to go.

Whoever it was was getting better at it too, which Light despised. The first town that was set on fire would have seemed like an accident had it not been during an attack. It was easy to put out, but by the time they managed it, several Steves ended up succumbing to smoke inhalation. The second time was clearly more thought out and planned, yet the wind at the time blew the fire away from the village. This time though it seems as if they learned.

Light didn't stop to survey the damage. He was one of the few Steves that could use his energy to create water, which quickly placed him to be the one to put out the fires.

He ran down the streets, turning sharp corners and attacking any stray darkness that he ran into. He had to reach the fire before the embers could blow into the town. If the fire laid its claim, Light highly doubted they would be able to restore the damage done.

It was when the cobblestone path turned back into dirt, leading into the wheat fields, that Light skidded to a stop for the first time. Well, first time stopping and not attack darkness or helping some Steve flee.

"Sabre?" Came tumbling out of his mouth at the sight of Sabre's back. Light wasn't sure how to feel at the moment. Something in the back of his mind screamed danger, but he waved it off to the side. It was Sabre! Even if Sabre was upset at him, and he didn't mean this in any wrong way, what was the worst Sabre could do?

Sabre spun around after Light spoke, one hand tightly gripping his sword handle, which was in its sheath, while the other held onto something that was just peeking out of his hand. The only thing he could gleam was the color, which was black and silver.

"Light Steve." Sabre's tone was cold Light winced at his proper name. Right, the last time Sabre seen him was during his exile announcement. The warning in the back of his mind kept on telling him something was wrong.

Sure, Sabre's outfit change, but it was reasonable. Light hasn't seen him in...

Origin, it has been a long time. Which was odd, but it seems as if Sabre was still trying to help judging by the fact he was here.

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