Given Up: Part Three

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After some time of the three being out and about...and the Chromatics planned something. >:3

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The air that hung around the scene was heavy. An invisible band that was pulled taunt, waiting for the band to give. For it to snap, sending everything, everyone, into motion once more. It felt as if time itself was frozen as the occupants stood there

For there was no warning given to the one person that stood in the clearing. For plans were made without knowledge and the lack of knowledge shows.

For Sabre stood tense, eyes wide as he stared. Across from him, Light and a few Colorless Guards stood. Light’s expression did not give away how Light felt about what Sabre first thought was a chance meeting. It did not bode well from Sabre.

For Sabre realized soon that there was no reason Light was out where they are. The only reason he could think of was him, and Sabre did not enjoy the implications of that.

For even though Sabre had a bow in his hand with a few arrows tucked into a quiver, he might as well have been weaponless. The only use of a bow to him was hunting. Where he could take the time to aim, not when possibly his life, his freedom, laid on the line.

It was little comfort of the knives he had tucked to his body. If the guards attacked, their spears gave more range than his knives would give. Sabre regretted leaving the Shadow Sword with Dark and Shadow. The one weapon that would have been of use to him wasn’t even in his possenion by his own choice.

A guard shifted, armor clinking quietly.

The band snapped, and everything bursted into motion.

Sabre dropped the rabbit that hung dead in his grasp. He did not have the chance to mourn at the loss of the first proper meat since his banishment, for panic sat in when he heard an order spoken to the guards.

“Catch him.”

Footsteps quickly followed as thunder rumbled behind him. Flashes of light from lightning sending sharp shadows throughout the woods. Sabre didn't have the chance to question who exactly was causing that and why, mind focused on not being caught.

Sabre dropped the bow, mentally apologizing to Dark when he heard it clatter among some rocks. All the time spent making it tossed away—quite literally—but Sabre also knew Dark would rather have Sabre be safe rather than the bow.

The quiver of arrows bounced lightly against his thigh, the arrows clanking together as he ran. A constant becon to his whereabouts.

He didn’t pause in his attempt to flee. Rather, he continued to race over the roots and through the brush as he unbuckled the quiver. Why did he choose one to have around his waist instead of on his back again? Sabre couldn't remember but he was annoyed with his past self.

The arrows dropped to the forest floor once they were unbuckled, giving out one last loud clatter upon impact. The few arrows discarded, left to rot in the woods like the bow.

Like him.

Over the rushing of blood in his ears, he could hear his pursuers stumbling behind him. For they were not as accustomed to racing through the forest as he was. Sabre and his group have gained the knowledge on how to run through the woods without the plants slowing them down.

The guards on the other hand have only trained on sandy or dirt grounds. They did not know where to place their feet or what tree branches gave away easily when one would run through them or which ones would merely tangle you up in their grip.

It was the only reason why Sabre was staying ahead as he was. On another day, in another time, he would have been able to outrun the group.

Now however? As his body is in a constant fight to function properly with the minimal food the three are able to savange up? Sabre had to push himself beyond what his body could stand, and it was telling him so. Each breath stung his throat whilst his lungs began to burn. Each step has his legs soon shaking with exertion.

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