Crossed Worlds:Part One (story)

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This is RQ Sabre, not SS.

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Sabre felt like screaming. Maybe crying. One of the two.

Perhaps both.

Yet, even with his emotions demanding to be let out, Sabre had to put a lid on the for the moment. Until he was alone, he had to push down the emotions that raged underneath his skin no matter how much he wanted to cry.

It wasn't even the fact his Kingdom—which still felt like a dream— had to fend off Divergent Steve again. They were getting used to dealing with attacks from Divergent Steve. But this? This was a whole new ballpark of what the hell.

Sabre was used to being attacked and Sabre thought he saw all the weird things that could happen, but this? This????

This was not something he expected.

The attack went like the usual; With Divergent trying to kidnap him. Then another appeared, followed by a group Sabre wished he wasn't seeing.

Rainbow Steve stood across from him, along with Light and another player. It took everything in his power to not run up and tackle Rainbow in a hug. For even if this was Rainbow, it wasn't Rainbow.

If Rainbow falling from a portal wasn't enough, the stark difference between the two would give it away. The same could be said about Light. It was Light Steve, but he wasn't his Light Steve.

Sabre wasn't even touching upon the other player. It was sad, but Sabre didn't even realize he had forgotten other players existed until he was faced with another one. Stuck in a world where it was all Steves, Sabre had forgotten that at one point in his life, he wasn't the only player in the world. Sabre has forgotten about the time where he wasn't the odd one out.

Slowly, all around them, a few Steves came out of hiding. Poking their heads out of buildings with wide eyes, before slowly coming out of hiding.

The group's eyes widened in response. An excited gasp came from Rainbow, who bounced in place. Light and the blonde haired player grabbed an arm of Rainbow’s, who was still jumping and vibrating in place.

Sabre felt like crying. Why did he send Time away again? Oh yeah, to get Light.

A group of six guards rounded the corner, only to stumble to a stop. A confused, “Rainbow Steve?” Came from one of them.

It seemed as if that was what needed to break the ice, since whispers started picking up around them. Each one directed at the trio or a specific person in the trio. The group shuffled closer to one another.

A groan from Divergent Steve, who laid unconscious off to the side, snapped everyone out of the shock they found themselves in. Now that the fighting was done and over with, the sheer oddity of the situation was settling in.

“Guards!” Sabre called out. The group of guards jumped to attention. “Can two of you go place Divergent Steve in one of the power damping cells before he wakes up? And does anyone know if Violet and Green Leader are still in the kingdom?”

Two of them split from the group, heading towards Divergent Steve. The doppelgangers shuffled a few steps away from them. Rainbow grabbed the handle of a knife that still laid in its holster.

“Uh- Sir…” One of the remaining three guards stuttered out. “Are you…”

Sabre nodded his head. “I'm fine. Does anyone know where the Leaders are?”

The three shifted, before the other one raised their hand. “We were sent here from where they were last at, but sir, you need-.”

A mumbled ‘wait, sir?’ came from Light. Sabre ignored it. He was going to ignore those three until he physically couldn't. Sabre had a feeling he wasn't going to be able to ignore them much longer.

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