Chapter 56

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AN: Hi Guys, 

Hope you are doing well?

We are almost at the end of this book (I think there are 2 chapters left maybe more) and I'm working on a new one, so won't be gone.

I hope you enjoyed it so far❤️ Thank you so much for reading my work, I really do appreciate every single one of you.

Lots and Lots of Love

Loose Goose❤️❤️❤️


Ada Lois Harris was born four minutes before we were able to reach home last night. We were just in time for Chase to do the honor of cutting the umbilical cord of the beautiful daughter, we thought at times would be a boy.

Luckily, Matteo told the boys to remain in their bedroom until he called them, unbeknown to him, he would see and help Vivian push a whole human being out of her body.

A bloodied, traumatized Matteo stood there like a statue in disbelief at what he had experienced, holding Ada in his arms staring at her the whole time while Vivian tried to catch her breath. I guess there's a lot of humanity underneath that beautifully tough and dangerous exterior that he so proudly expresses to the world. That was when he was alive anyways, but for now he has to keep up appearances as a dead man.

Even though Ada was born a little early, she was healthy, five pounds 11 ounces. She was jaundiced, but that is normal for babies born early. If you monitor and keep an eye on it, it should resolve on its own with lots of feeding to reduce baby's bilirubin level and sunlight should also help speed things up. They will also do regular testing while in hospital to make sure it doesn't worsen.

She looked just like Chase and only had Viv's eye color, but she is the cutest little thing. She will be spoiled rotten by the whole family. Makes me think back to when Dyl and Max were babies and how cute they were, though I don't wish for the stress that came with that time, I still loved them and their cuteness.

Viv, Ada and Chase will stay in the hospital for two more days, then they will be home. The boys already ordered the world's toys for their new niece and the rest of the family bought a whole nursery even though Chase and Viv already bought enough.

I think the older my mother gets, the more protective she gets of the people she loves.

We decided to make today a pool day and have lunch outside, under umbrellas, next to the pool because it was scorching outside. Some of us will visit Viv and Chase tonight at the hospital and I can't wait to see little Ada again.

"Boys, get out of the water and come eat something, please" I begged, from the sideline. They have been in the water since early this morning and have just had breakfast.

"Mom, only fifteen more minutes, please?" Dylan begged, as he and Max were chasing after Daniel and Flamur in the water.

"I'm timing you" I answered, giving them a look before joining Dad, Uncle Besim, Bujar and Alessia at the table.

Mom, Aunt Drita and Amanda were laying on chairs catching a tan while gossiping, Matteo, Ervin, Julian and Fatmir were sitting under the pergola having drinks and laughing about something. Elira wasn't feeling well, so she went upstairs to take a nap.

"Last night my wife decided to act like a street creature and fight another woman and her kids" Dad, piped up while sipping on a cup of hot tea in this hot weather, typical old people. I think he was still upset about last night. He's scared my mom will get hurt and his heart won't be able to handle it, according to him.

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