Chapter 8

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AN: Second Update for today ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Matteo's POV

We are an hour into waiting as most of my family are sitting here hoping for the best. Even though the doctor explained everything in detail and assured us that It's a straightforward surgery, we will only be calm once we see dad come out of surgery.

I sat there thinking about earlier before the past flooded my thoughts, the moment she walked back into my dad's room to discuss the surgery.

When the doctor and her colleagues entered my dad's room earlier, you could see her being little intimidated with all staring eyes focused on her. I do admit that some of the people in this room may come across as scary if you don't know them on a personal level.

My family was very shocked at the fact that she's the one that saved dad at the airport and the fact that she's still so young, but she's the head of neurology, so they hired her, as the hospital director mentioned. Apparently, she's the best out there and a big deal in their industry.

She sure comes across as a little awkward, like she's not used to interacting with people. The facial expressions seem a little forced at times.

I felt bad for her when Aunt Paola bombarded the doctor with questions, but I must say she handled my aunt well. Aunt Paola isn't someone to be messed with.

My dad has five siblings, and everyone rushed here with their spouses as soon as they heard about my dad being hospitalized. Our family are tight knit and Its family above all else.

A few of my cousins also came with their parents. Vito my right-hand man, Gio and Romeo.

My father was the oldest of the six siblings at 53 and that's also the reason he took over the Mafia from my grandpa, which was passed down to me after he retired. Both Grandma and Grandpa unfortunately passed away within two years of each other from old age.

Then we have my dad's brother Aldo 51, his wife Natalia 50 and they have three sons Vito 25, Vincenzo 21 and Alessio 23.

His other brother Luigi, who was 50, with his wife Theresa 49. They have a son named Gio 24 and daughter Emma 22.

His Sister Elena, who was 42, with her husband Alessandro 45 and they have one son called Dominique.

His other sister, Catherine, who was 45, with her husband Douglas 48. They have two sons together Marco 24 and Andrea 21.

The oldest sister Paola 48, her husband Antonio 49. They have a son and daughter together, Romeo 24 and Gemma 18. Aunt Paola is the straightforward aunt that would come off as a rude bitter pill if you don't know her, but who she is comes from a place of love and protection for her family.

I think the reason she asked so many questions were because she wanted to make sure the doctor knew about her business, and she wanted assurance that her brother would make it through alive.

I cringed the moment she asked the doctor questions about her age. I know she did it out of concern for dad and all of us understood that, but you could see Doc became uncomfortable with her questioning at times.

My dad and his siblings are very close. They grew up in the Family business and had it hard from the start when our grandpa still ran the Mafia.

All of them wanted to be here for dad. They might fight now and again, but they love each other and always have each other's backs.

Part of what I've been taught since the age of ten was to be really good at remembering faces as a way of remembering who your enemies are.

By the time I was seventeen I had been the cause of a few people losing their lives and the emotional damage you feel when taking a life doesn't compare to the expression on her innocent face. The regret, hurt and betrayal I saw that morning made me want to do anything in my power to correct that.

Once thing I know, is that she didn't stop me or even attempt to stop me. She kissed me back, which made me believe she was either heavily intoxicated or ...drugged, like I was. Fuck!

My head was leaning against the wall and my eyes were closed. I know my dad will make it through.

We are all taken out of our thoughts as the quiet was interrupted with the clicking of heels.

As I glanced up in the direction where it came from, I could see my fiancé Gina, her dad Victor and her mother Dahlia, making her way in our direction.

I internally roll my eyes at Gina who's pretending to be the best fiancé ever, meanwhile I don't feel anything for her.

I stood up and shook both her parents, Victor and Dahlia's hands and just gave her a nod. Her dad is a cool guy, but my dislike started when he also jumped on the bandwagon for me to marry his daughter.

Now he's under the impression he can tell me to love his daughter or show affection when I don't feel anything for her.

We grew up together because our families have been friends since forever, but I'm just looking for a reason to not marry her.

I have my men keep a close eye on her and I'm just waiting for her to slip up.

Luckily, there was a bathroom and a corner with refreshments, so there was no need for us to leave the space.

After having my 3rd cup, I stopped and decided to respond to some e-mails and sort some work out.

Mom was sitting there while Julian rubbed her back. Allessia just sat there staring out the window. Everything has been the hardest on my sister.

I know everyone always thinks the best of their sisters, but mine are really the sweetest with a heart of gold like my mom.

After waiting a solid 7 hours, the surgery was done as the doctor came out of the door which leads to the OR.

You could see how tired she was, but damn, she's gorgeous.

She made her way to the middle of the room as mom got up and made her way towards the doctor with Aunt Paola next to mom.

"Mr. Giordano is in recovery, but will be moved to the ICU, a few doors down" she said as she subtly rubbed her hands against each other.

"Why is he being moved there?" mom asked.

"This type of surgery is normally done within 4-6 hours with minimal complications, but the tumor was much bigger than the tests revealed. We had a brain bleed that we struggled to get under control, but we eventually did" she said as Uncle Aldo interrupted her.

"Will he be fine? Will he make it through?" he asked stress evident on all their faces.

"Yes, he will, but I have to keep him sedated for a few days until the swelling of his brain goes down. I can assure you that there's nothing to be alarmed about as It's very normal after such a big surgery. We will be treating the swelling with some steroids, and we should be able to wake him up soon" she informed everyone.

"Aunt Elena, who was quiet since she arrived here, decided to also ask a question "Will he make a full recovery?"

"With all surgeries there are risks, but I believe he will" he said, as she gave a nod.

Mom took her hands into her's "Thank you so much Doctor, I appreciate everything you did for my husband" Mom said with teary eyes.

"No need to thank me Mam, this is my job" she said as she patted mom back. Mom gave her a nod as she slyly retracted her hands from Mom's grip.

"After Mr. Giordano comes from recovery, you can visit him two at a time" she finished, then left the room.

I stared at her back but could feel eyes boring into the side of my skull as Gina looked at me with a pissed expression.

At this point, I really do not care.


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