Chapter 18

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Matteo's POV

Vito and I are walking into a business event with some of the richest, respected people in the business world, but also some of the evilest. Some are trying to score new deals and make money.

It's more a Gala/networking type of event for all kinds of people. That includes the bad guys too, like me.

All rich people had to do something crooked at some point to get where they are today. Crooked doesn't sit right with all, that's why some stop in time and others are sucked into the world of greed.

You have to know when enough is enough. I'm a scumbag that's smuggling drugs and guns, but I know where to draw the line and not become too greedy for my own good.

We got here a little early, but this place was already packed to the brim and my mood dampened as soon as I saw my nightmare parading around with a smile etched across her face. How can she be this happy, while I'm on the brink of a bout of depression?

I still haven't found anything that would suggest that she's messing around, but she will fuck up, that I'm sure of, and when she does, I won't even embarrass her, I will thank her for her good deed of setting a man free. A man being me.

We decided to head to the bar and let the alcohol consume our senses instead of being cornered by the fiancé. As we stood there, my eyes went over the people moving around.

Some try to close the deals that would make or break their careers, some look for an olive branch to save their businesses from going under, others are looking at just the opportunity to swindle money out of the next person.

Vito discreetly nudged my side "five o' clock" he said, clearing his throat as he took a sip from his glass.

After a few seconds, I turned my head and saw the Doctor standing a little too close to a tall guy, with arms intertwined, as another guy approached them. The guy approaching them, I know all too well.

Rafael Garcia, leader of the Mexican cartel. Messy when it comes to murder and feared in Mafia world for his ruthlessness. He doesn't think twice when it comes to taking life. Psychopath for sure, but what is he doing with the doctor and the way they are chatting, seems as though they know each other...well"

I am unable to hear what they are talking about, because of the distance, but this woman has become more interesting as time progressed. A detached robot at work and a human with evil people. cold, but this piques my interest even more.

What makes my eyes linger isn't the fact that she's cozying up with Rafael Garcia, but her looks. She looks different from her normal hospital attire and attitude she displayed there, that's for sure. She looks like a super model, even better with the beauty she possesses. Who knew that body was hiding underneath those hospital scrubs.

Her face isn't overly pasted with make-up, just enough to bring out her natural beauty, that is untouched.

I watched them discreetly, but mostly her, as they made their way to the bar. It was still too far away for me to listen in on their conversation.

After a while, my nightmare decided to make her presence known "Good evening gentleman, fiancé" she announced, with two tails following behind. Standing like two statues beside her.

These are the times I could blow a lid, where she brings people along which puts me in an awkward position where I have to put up an act with her, because most people don't know that we're being arranged to be married.

"Good evening fiancé" I respond, keeping it short and sweet.

"Matteo, do you still remember my friends, Jessica and Keira?" I stretch my hand, shaking both their hands and mutter to myself to not lose my cool.

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