Chapter 38

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I could swear I just fell asleep a few minutes ago. The buzzing noise of my phone on my side-table woke me after the sound started to become too annoying, forcing me to lift my head and check the time. It was 1:00 in the morning and I had just got 2 hours of sleep.

I checked my phone in case it was Matteo trying to get hold of me, and it was him. I saw 12 missed calls, which made me instantly panic. Before I could press the call button, he called again.

"Matteo, are you, ok? what's wrong?" I asked, as my heart was busy fighting inside my chest cavity.

"Baby, get dressed. I need you, hurry. I'm 2 minutes away. Get dressed, now" he said in a calm, but demanding voice.

"Ok" I said, jumping out of my bed, not questioning him any further as I threw my phone on the bedside table.

I got dressed as fast as I was able to, grabbed my phone and wallet, then rushed downstairs.

I opened our front door just as Matteo stopped and stepped out of his car. He looked stressed.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I asked, touching his body all over to check if he was hurt.

He pecked my forehead, grabbed my hand and led me towards the car "I'm fine, I'll explain on the way" he said.

We were making our way towards the city when Matteo explained how his brother Julian was drunk and tried to fight with someone at the club. Vito luckily stopped him in time and took him home.

Once they were home, they saw his mother with multiple stab wounds barely alive in the doorway of the lounge as they entered the house. Matteo said that he doesn't trust the doctors and that he needs me to help and supervise.

"Matteo, and what about your dad? Where was he?" I asked, as we entered the hospital grounds.

"I'll explain more once I know my mother is safe" he answered, as both of us rush inside the hospital. Matteo grabbed my hand as we entered the elevator and rubbed it, tryjng ro heat it up.

We stepped out of the elevator and headed through the main lounge down the corridor where the theatre is situated, and we stumbled upon Matteo's whole family standing there looking visibly upset while some were pacing up and down.

Their heads snapped in our direction when we entered. Matteo's dad was nowhere in sight. Julian sat there clearly half drunk and bloodied with his head in his hair.

"Teo, did you find the person who did this to your mother?" that lady that interrogated me when his dad's surgery asked while also giving me a brief nod.

"Not yet, I have my guys looking into it" he told her and that's when Matteo's father came into the waiting room and all hell broke loose.

"What are you still doing here! Leave!" Julian shouted to his dad from across the room with bloodshot eyes. He shot up from his seat and lunged towards his dad, but the men that was present stopped Julian in time. Matteo stood in the same spot just glancing from his dad to his brother.

I'm not a fan of these confrontational situations, so I decided to go check on Matteo's mother.

"I'll go check on your mother" I told Matteo. Isaac was fuming when I passed by him as he caught a glimpse of me it seemed to have irritated him more. He grabbed me by the arm, gaining my attention.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in a not so friendly way.

"You leave her alone!" Matteo's voice boomed across the room. The whole room went silent.

"Who do you think your talking to?" he asked Matteo, clearly stunned at his son's reaction.

"I told you countless times to leave her alone" he said, inching closer towards me. Julian got out of the grip of the two guys that were holding him back.

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