Chapter 40

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AN: I guys, i decided to leave the previous chapter as it is and rather decided on giving you more chapters

❤️❤️❤️ Loosegoose


Matteo's POV

I stood there in utter shock but internalized all the emotions that was begging to be expressed and rip through this dinner party. I'd be damned to show this so-called family my true feelings.

Hurt, betrayal, disappointment, shock, frustration, abandonment, but most of all anger was bubbling through me.

Well, now I fully understand why my mother has been so docile all these years. She has been alone against them, but now she has me and she will always have me.

I decided to ignore them and headed straight for the bar and poured myself a whiskey on ice. Not my favorite brand but it will have to quench the pain in my chest and deal with the new reality of people I used to look up to.

"Don't make a scene, it's not worth it" Vito whispered under his breath, as he poured himself something to drink as well.

"I know, don't worry" I assured him, even though I could feel the sweat dripping down my back under this suit jacket.

They were greeting my family like they had known them for years. Now it's confirmed...they knew all along.

Everyone was standing around, having discussions amongst each other, so I decided to join the cousins in the corner after greeting everyone, to test the waters with them. It's strange how the family who's supposed to be there for each other are just in it for their own selfish gain.

"Hey guys" I announced, taking a seat on one of the many couches.

"Hey Teo, how have you been? We haven't seen u in a minute. Where have you been hiding?" my cousin Domenique, Aunt Elena's son asked.

"Well, I've been busy" I answered, not wanting to divulge too much about my personal life. Anyone can be an enemy at this point.

"Are there any news about Alessia?" Andrea asked.

"Yeah, she's safe" I said, silencing the whole room.

"So, I guess you knew all along where she was?" he questioned.


"I still can't believe you are a father, Cuzzi. Like, two whole human beings you have been hiding from us for years at that" my cousin Gemma said, trying to divert the conversation before a fight broke out.

"Mhmm, yup"

"Just 'yup', Teo? Tell us about the Doc. Who is she besides being a doctor, are you still dating or dating again, because we haven't really seen you in a solid relationship after high school and now It makes sense" Romeo, asked.

"What's there to say about her? She's a Neurosurgeon and her father is a retired businessman, she's the mother of my kids and the women in my life. You guys could have googled her instead" I said, placing my empty glass on the side table. I don't feel like going into much more detail.

"You know, most of the stuff on google is in most cases not a true reflection of who people is. She looks like a nice person, but at the same time she is ice cold. It seems you've been hitting it right to be able to get a chance there" he chuckled, and I just rolled my eyes.

Everyone instantly went quiet. The four illegitimate kids of my father another woman stood to the side. Two guys and two girls, they look the same age as us so there's no doubt, he made them while being married to mom.

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