Chapter 3

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Matteo's POV

I just reached my hotel room after bidding my parents a safe flight and having to find the right opportunity to get away from the crowd downstairs.

All of us attended the event Gina's dad was hosting here at the hotel. I would have stayed in New York if it was up to me, but it seems my life is still being dictated by my parents until I'm officially married.

Thus, I can only fly back home tomorrow as I'm having breakfast with my fiancé and her parents to discuss the wedding.

I sat on the couch with my head resting on the backrest of the couch. With my eyes closed in thought about my life and the direction it is being forced in.

Not that I had any choice in the decision to marry Gina Russo in about six months. You can call it an arranged marriage, the same as my parents.

They don't care if I'm happy and they think that because it worked for them that it would work for me.

I don't love her at all, on the other hand, I find her annoying and pretentious with fake everything. Her character matches her exterior. Fake!

Unfortunately, in the Mafia, when you take over, you are only afforded a certain amount of time to settle and marry to produce offspring that can carry forward the next generation of mafia leaders.

My time to remain single was over, so my parents decided to make the decision to marry me off to their friend and business partner's daughter.

It's already 3:00 in the morning and I should head to bed because I'm way pass tired.

My elevator dinged and a few seconds later, just as i was about to head to the bedroom. I heard heels clicking against the marble floor.

It can only be one person. As I turned my head, I saw the very fiancé making her way over in my direction.

She situated herself next to me as I sat there staring at her with a questioning look on my face, not lifting my head.

Her perfume always made me want to puke. It's just too loud and sweet.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" she asked looking at me expectantly.

"I don't mind, but it will have to be the couch" I said as I stood up and made my way to my room.

"Matteo! We are going to be married in six months. We might as well start living together now instead of waiting" she said as she followed me waiting for an answer.

I turned and walked in her direction, meeting her halfway. In a split second I gripped her by the throat and slammed her back against the wall as my anger and frustration with this whole situation is on full display. I Didn't even cared that I have hurt her.

"I have told you countless times and I will remind you for the very last time. I do not love you and I don't have any interest in fucking you ever again. We will get married, but we will live separate lives and sleep in separate rooms. You got me drunk once and seduced me and that was your first and last time. Now get the fuck away from me before I kill you" I said, making

her eyes glass over with unshed tears about to fall any second.

"Why are you making things so difficult for me and yourself!? Why can't you get it in your head that this is a marriage of convenience and nothing else!" I shout as I made my way to my room and locked my door. I don't' trust that bitch at all.

I undressed and walked into the shower as my mind drifted to the face that has been haunting me for years. I don't know why I still think about her, but that's a face that haunts me to this day.

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