Chapter 22

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Matteo's POV

Growing up, my parents were my biggest inspiration in life. People I admired and looked up to. The fact that they always gave their best to us as children and made sure we were always happy, is still engrained in me as a man today. My father would kill to see us happy and assured we are protected.

That's why I was never able to go against them when they informed me that I would be marrying Gina in a few months, even though it made me the most miserable person I've ever been. I respected my parents' decision.

I have been drinking way more than I should. I've reached the point where I cannot go to bed without being intoxicated and sleep doesn't come easy regardless of how drunk I am. I just want to be numb to this world, but when I wake up the next day, I realize that I'm only human.

I have no other way of coping with the realization that I would be marrying a person that I don't love or feel attracted to. It sounds more like a death sentence.

Once I say 'I do' I will be locked in for life. My mother is of no help because she's just too sweet for this world and won't go against dad. I sometimes tend to think she holds a deep fear of him, but at the same time loves him too much.

Earlier yesterday, when the guy working for me gave me the pictures of her picking the boys up from school, I first felt betrayed, but then I realized there might be something more to this.

Seeing their faces, I wanted to faint because my mind couldn't grasp how, out there in this world there were two human beings that would look so identical to me. No DNA test would convince me otherwise, I knew they were mine by just looking at them.

Then the emotions started, I was beyond pissed that she would keep something so important from me. Then my mind went to all the enemies we have. What if they put two and two together and figure out that they are my kids and decide to harm them to get back at me?

I went to the hospital to confront Daniella and when I got to her office, I had so many questions on my mind and wanted to berate her for keeping the kids away from me. Surely, she knew me, or so I thought. I wanted to let her know that I would be taking the kids from her, but when I heard part of her explanation, I couldn't bring myself to do so.

I felt horrible when I heard of her being drugged and the fact that I was the one that took her first time away from her. If it's one thing I don't do, then that's non-consensual sex. So, I felt horrible knowing I was the one that caused her so much pain. I already felt bad the day I saw that bed when she left and the expression of the pain clearly visible on her face.

I would never go against any woman that said no, but that night, I was drugged too, and I feel so bad for her and my kids that had to grow up without their dad. I feel there's more to her story, though and I'm ready to hear it all.

After I left her office, I went to my parent's place, and they informed me that the whole family, with extended family would be going out to celebrate dad's recovery and that includes Gina and her parents. I don't understand why they always had to be in attendance.

We hadn't even made it to the table yet when my dad saw them. He saw their interaction with Daniella and heard how they called her 'mom' and he knew they were mine from our previous awkward interaction.

I walked behind everyone and when I stepped on the restaurant floor, I heard dad and saw him with a pissed expression on his face and I knew something was wrong. When I got nearer, I saw that it was Daniella. When I heard him confront her in front of everyone, I was beyond pissed, but then I saw them, and my heart crumbled. I loved them instantly. I couldn't believe they were mine.

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