Chapter 26

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Chase and Julian decided to give the boys and I a lift to school and work this morning. They both decided to work half days for the whole week in order to spend more time with our cousins before they leave on Sunday.

I don't have the liberty to do so, but I have scheduled my surgeries so that I could be at home by 16:00 every day.

I need to get myself a new vehicle because I don't like taking Ubers or depending on people, even though I know my parents have vehicles I can borrow. I don't have any interest in keeping Range Rover after its fixed because I don't want to be reminded of what that bitch's guts.

I just hope Matteo can put her in her place.

As I walked into the hospital the corridors were quiet today, which is always a good thing because it means fewer sick people.

As I made my way towards the elevator, my thoughts went to Matteo and the conversation we had yesterday.

He doesn't come off as a bad human being. Well, I didn't mean that he doesn't kill people for a living, but I feel like he's a caring person underneath that cold façade that he's forced to display.

His eyes though, held a look of pain and helplessness in them. I hope getting to know the boys will brighten his life a little because they are just the purest.

My family told me that the trucks transporting the goods for the Italian Mafia are being highjacked by someone, but they don't know who yet. Their business has been losing a vast amount of revenue, setting their Mafia back financially.

Matteo built a name for himself in the legal business world according to my cousin and can hold his own. He will probably use his own funds to make up for their loss.

Even though my brothers and parents aren't directly involved in running the Mafia. We still use the family businesses to launder money for the Albanian Mafia as my family has to do their part. The thing is, we were born into it due to my mother being born into it and there's no way not to be part of it.

The mafia funded dad's businesses when he finished college, and he took the opportunity at the time to make a name for himself in the business world.

The mafia money cannot be traced back to my family due to my brother Chase that worked out a system to conceal the origins of it. Thus, to the world it seems though we aren't part of it, even though we are.

I try to shut my ears at the mention of the mafia business, but I can't help but to take in the information when I do spend time with family while they are discussing these things. My goal in life is to save lives and not take them, my family is aware of how I feel about that.

My mom and Uncle are the only two children that my grandparents had, and we don't have any other choice but to carry the legacy of the mafia shqiptare (Albanian Mafia) forward, in our own way.

Chase received the video footage from the hospital, but the guy that damaged my car had a mask on his face and wore a hoodie. So, it's hard to confirm who the culprit was.

As I know them, they won't give up until they find the culprit.

Matteo didn't respond to my last message last night confirming that he would meet us for dinner tonight. There's probably too much on his plate and I do understand, but a response would have been in order.

Now the boys are looking forward to meeting their dad. I just hope he responds before my workday is over.

I made a cup of coffee and got settled at my desk contemplating if I should send Matteo a message as I'm finishing my cup of goodness. I don't want to sound desperate or be a nuisance, but I'll go to any lengths to make sure my boys are happy.

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