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"Junior brother, you don't have to bother, trying to accomplish anything. You don't have any talent, so just sit back, as I provide for this family," 

"Have you heared, even the younger sister is more talented at anything than this Hisashi, he really is a hopeless case,"

"Hisashi my dear, it's ok, you don't have to try so much, you always have your elder brother or junior sister,"

"My son, you're a shame for this family, just stop trying and try to not cause any attention,"

Everyone was looking down on me since I remember. I wasn't good enough at anything and to top it off, my Magic Cycle was still in the 1st stage with 18 years, even though my Cycle awakened at a really young age, the prequisite to becoming a genius. All I did was waste those extra years. A gift wasted.

I felt like life was meaningless. Effort was meaningless, no one believed in me, they all told me: it's ok if I just don't do anything, I just have to rely on my siblings. But in this very moment, Momoka said, that she believed in me. I could only cry in her arms. I always wanted to hear those words and since I knew no one would say those to me, I hid behind fake feelings, always telling me, that life was meaningless, but it wasn't. I think, I'm still unsure, but she believed in me, so I have to life as thank to her.

Later that day, I immediately began with the practical spell training. I tried the step technique a bit and tried out some runes. And voila, I broke through, not just one level, but multiple, or should I say, I broke through to a new stage! 2nd stage 1st level. Seems like the training in combination with all the understanding of the Magic Cycle I gained, was preparing my Magic Cycle for success.

"HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH????????????? HOW ARE YOU SUDDENLY AT THE 2ND STAGE????", Momoka asked me quite excited, after I came back home, I mean, yeah, understandable, she just saw me at the 1st stage earlier this day. Yui and Isamu were also quite shocked.

"Well, I haven't done any practical training for some time, but gained quite alot understanding about the Cycle and did quite alot of training," I replied, shrugging. But what is that, Yui is getting closer and closer. Looking right into my eyes for a while, while I became more and more red.....

"Hisashi, you don't need to be shy, I was just looking if you're Magic Cycle was still stable. And it surprisingly is, usually such a Mass Breakthrough is damaging the Cycle but your's is completely fine, just what training are you doing?", Yui asked, after going back again, the other's giggled, Yui is the only one here, thinking I'm shy, I'm attracted.

"Nothing special," I replied. After that, she did asked some specific questions, but I did my best avoiding the specifics, since Akio instructed me to not tell anyone, that I'm training with him.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

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