Rune Magic

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Well it's been a week now, I finally completed this monster of a book about rune magic. It says the magic at the tip of your finger and write the runes, I do that, nothing happens. When I asked Isamu to do the same thing I did, it worked for him. I'm the problem. Man life really hates me.

But I really want to do atleast one technique, I don't even care what it does, at the tip of the finger and go... NOTHING, ahahfahghudahguaidgduaghaeiughesuighesigejaueghaeihgibus.

I don't get it, what is wrong with me?

"You're really interesting," the girl that approached me said, I don't know who she was but she was quite pretty, if I just learned the step technique by now.... Just kidding.

"What do you mean?", I asked her, afterall, who is she, what does she wants? She giggled. I'm just a joke to all the girls here for some reason...

"Your execution of the technique is almost perfect," she said and stopped while she was trying to control herself from laughing?

"But it's just not working, you're truly unlucky, haha," she said and laughed for a while, so this means, it really has something to do with me, but isn't rune magic suppossed to work for everyone? Anyways, some humiliation later, she collected herself.

"Do you want to know what could be the reason for it?", she asked me with a smile on her face, if she wasn't a girl I would've punched her so hard already. But why not?

"There are 3 possibilites as far as I know: You have a special inheritance, your soul is incredibly weak or you're pathetic, but the first is impossible if you're not from a Royal Family," she said and left giggling. At this point I can't even hate her or anything, she was right afterall, I'm just pathetic. 

The Rune for 'Water' directly at her... Nope, it still isn't working, she even looked back at me with a smirk, this....

I think I can give up the idea of rune magic too. I should look at- No, what am I even trying at this point, let's just go home and sleep, hoping I never wake up. 

As I entered the dorm, Yui was the only one there, studying and trying out some fancy looking magic, she didn't even noticed me I thought, so let's just go to bed. Even thought it's still not even dark outside, I don't even care anymore.

"Hisashi, why are you so depressed?", Yui asked all of a sudden, as I was about to enter the bedroom. I couldn't look at her, I just acted like I didn't hear her, but she made a barrier in front of me, so I couldn't go into the bedroom, please just leave me alone...

"It's nothing," I said calmly, but she didn't believed me at all, she went towards me and took my hand, and looked into my eyes so softly. She was so warm.

"I can't even use rune magic, despite doing the right movements, look," I said and showed it to her, which made her initially surprised but she was normal after a moment.

"You concentrate your mana too dense, try again and let it loosen a bit," she said and when I tried again, I concentrated it a bit less and rather just let it go to my fingertip softly, the rune for warmth. Suddenly it became warmer, it- IT WORKED. Yui smiled at me.

"Look, your concentration was out of place, since you were so used to spark, where you concentrated it so precisely, that everything else probably didn't work out," she said and went back to her book. 


What is special inheritance? YOU WILL SEE MUHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah actually that would be too much of a spoiler and I think you can get some idea from the name.

Anyways thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

Unmotivated in the most famous Magic AcademyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora