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Now that the training is done, I have the entire school for me and just me!

Well, normal people would visit the lecture now, but the lectures today, are all from areas, I read alot on, so I should already know everything. And well, if I don't, it doesn't matter anyways.

But what am I going to do, in the last two months, I pretty much just trained, read a bit, ate and went to sleep. I didn't even try to practically use it anymore, I just accepted the fact that I'm untalented. 

Honestly, let's do it, let's leave this world. There are swords in the training grounds, so I should check them out. 

And here we are, my last goodbye. There are the swords. Now that I'm so close, it feels scary, but also exciting, will I finally be able to be in peace? 

There is only one way to find out. Taking the sword with both hands, stretching it out in front of my throat and goodbye...


This light, is this heaven? Wait, no wait wait wait wait wait, this looks like a dorm room, a bedroom to be precise. So someone really did save me? Are you kidding me, I was brave enough to do it, and someone, someone. I can't stop crying. Why can't I even die in peace. Then a young man entered the room, he was atleast 4 years older than me, does that mean, he's a 4th year student?????

"Oh, you're awake, that's great. I'm Akio Takahashi, 5th year student, so it was quite a shock to see someone as young as you are, trying to take his own life," he said with a sense of sadness. But it soon turned into a sincere smile, he's really a good person.

"But you don't have to worry anymore, if you have any problem you can talk about it with me, I'm sure I can help," he said, but I didn't cared. 

"It's really nothing, I just want to die," I replied, I didn't really wanted to talk about my reasons with him, but there was something about him. He seemed to be quite sad after what I said.

"Is there really no other way? Is death really the only way for you?", he asked frustrated. What have I done to this world, that it just always gets people in my way, why can't I just be a-

He hugged me, is he gay? No, that's not it, he even added a nice warmth, probably a fire affinity. I felt so warm, as if he actually cared about me...

"Let's make a deal, finish atleast this year, and if you still want to die, I won't stop you," he offered, again with his friendly smile. I didn't wanted to go through this year, but getting into trouble with him will be worse, so for now, I shook hands with him and agreed to it.

"Alright then it's settled! Come to the training ground tomorrow when the lectures are, I will personally help you with your stage, with my help, you will reach the 3rd stage easily," he said, literally so casually and confident. Unbelievable. I obviously declined, but he insisted on it, why does he even ask me in the first place, if he always just gets his will.

If I really reach the 3rd stage... Nah, there is no way, I will just pretend to give it my all.........

I hope you enjoyed, I don't know if this is out of place, since I have had like 3h of sleep and it's late and I'm tired but whatever, the grind is real. Thanks for reading <3

Unmotivated in the most famous Magic AcademyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin