Chapter Thirty Eight

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I have big plans for Luca tonight, he just doesn't know it yet.

I've been on the phone to my accountant, solicitor and lawyers all week and I'm in desperate need of some alone time with the one person who can make me smile after a stressful few days.

Chessman's is officially being transferred into my name. At first I was convinced that Hazel wasn't going to let me help because of how defensive and prideful she had been but after a while, I managed to get her to see what she'll be forfeiting.

Inside I'm relieved that they trust me enough to put their business in my name–not that it'll be for long. Only so I can pay off what's left of their mortgage and any other fees they have outstanding.

Soon, with everything paid off, they'll be able to enjoy Chessman's without having to worry about how they're going to pay for next month. Instead they can focus solely on the business and allow it to grow in the way they want without the thought of money looming over their heads.

They've been thankful. I've lost count how many times I've heard that word this week.

I know Hazel is going to attempt to pay back the money that she owes me but right now I don't care about that. I'm happy to help where I can. Not that I'm flashing my wealth around because that isn't a part of me whatsoever, but if I have the money and I can do something for a family that deserves it... then I'm going to do it.

I'm just relieved that they let me. I didn't want to get forceful.

But with everything in process, I want some quality time with Luca. He deserves it, I deserve it, we both deserve it. And I think he's going to enjoy what I've got up my sleeve for tonight.

As I stroll into the cafe at five thirty, Luca beams at me though his eyes are red from his tiredness. Always putting on a face of welcome and happiness. It makes my insides clench and I want nothing more than to kiss him until he has to pause for breath.

"Hey," he says as I approach the counter. "I didn't think I was seeing you today?"

I shrug simply. "Yeah, you are. I've got plans for us."

Luca tilts his head, eyes glimmering from the lights. "Plans?" He says hopefully.

"Mmm hmm," I drop my eye into a wink.

"Where are we going?"


He rolls his eyes but a smile resides on his face. "That's not helpful. Are we going straight away?"

I nod and he gasps, looking down at his clothes. "I can't go out looking like this, Declan. I smell like mayonnaise and coffee."

A low chuckle erupts from my chest, I raise the paper shopping bag in my hand. "Which is why I came to bring you this." I say before placing it onto the counter and dropping the handles.

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