The Tribe Of Dommy Mommies

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Percy steered the boat toward the downtown docks.  As we got closer, Ella scratched nervously at her nest of books.  I started to feel on edge too.  I knew why, I'd been here once before.  Before Kronos invaded Manhattan.  It was a bright, sunny day, and Seattle looked like a beautiful place, with inlets and bridges, wooded islands dotting the bay, and snowcapped mountains rising in the distance.  Still, I felt like we were being watched.

Hazel: Um... why are we stopping here?

Percy showed us the silver ring on his necklace.

Percy: Reyna has a sister here.  She asked me to find her and show her this.

Frank: Reyna has a sister?

He sounded like the idea terrified him.  Percy nodded.

Percy: Apparently Reyna thinks her sister could send help for the camp.

Ella: Amazons.  Amazon country.  Hmm.  Ella will find libraries instead.  Doesn't like Amazons.  Fierce.  Shields.  Swords.  Pointy.  Ouch.

Frank reached for his spear.

Frank: Amazons?  Like... female warriors?

Sarah: That would make sense.  If Reyna's sister is also a daughter of... Bellona, I can see why she'd join the Amazons.  But... is it safe for us to be here?

YN: For you, Hazel, and I, yes.  For those two... probably not as much.

Percy: I promised Reyna.  Besides, the Pax isn't doing too great.  I've been pushing it pretty hard.

I looked down at our feet.  Water was leaking between the floorboards.

Hazel: Oh.

Percy: Yeah.  We'll either need to fix it or find a new boat.  I'm pretty much holding it together with my willpower at this point.  Ella, do you have any idea where we can find the Amazons?

Frank: And, um, they don't, like, kill men on sight, do they?

Ella glanced at the downtown docks, only a few hundred yards away.

Ella: Ella will find friends later.  Ella will fly away now.

And she did.  Frank picked a single red feather out of the air.

Frank: Well, that's encouraging.

We docked at the wharf.  We barely had time to unload our supplies before the Pax shuddered and broke into pieces.  Most of it sank, leaving only a board with a painted eye and another with the letter P bobbing in the waves.

Hazel: Guess we're not fixing it.  What now?

Percy stared at the steep hills of downtown Seattle.

Percy: We hope the Amazons will help.

I leaned over to Sarah and whispered in her ear.

YN: Yeah, cause that worked out well for me last time.

Sarah giggled and kissed me on the cheek.  We found some great salty caramel chocolate at a candy store.  Then we bought some coffee so strong, my head felt like a vibrating gong.  We stopped at a sidewalk café and had some excellent grilled salmon sandwiches.  Once, we saw Ella zooming between high rise towers, a large book clutched in each foot.  All the while, I was aware of the time ticking by.  June 22 now, and Alaska was still a long way away.  I could fly there myself, of course, but not with four people.  And I can't shadow travel to somewhere I've never been before.  Finally we wandered south of downtown, into a plaza surrounded by smaller glass and brick buildings.

YN: There.

The familiar office building on our left had a single word etched on the glass doors.  AMAZON.

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