Percy Nearly Kills Himself

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The bronze doors creaked open.  Our footsteps echoed on the marble floor.  The constellations twinkled coldly on the ceiling of the great hall.  The hearth was down to a dull red glow.  Hestia, in the form of a little girl in brown robes, hunched at its edge, shivering.  The Ophiotaurus swam sadly in his sphere of water.  He let out a half hearted moo when he saw us.  In the firelight, the thrones cast evil looking shadows, like grasping hands.  Standing at the foot of Zeus's throne, looking up at the stars, was Rachel Elizabeth Dare.  She was holding a Greek ceramic vase.  Oh shit.

Percy: Rachel?  Um, what are you doing with that?

She focused on me as if she were coming out of a dream.

Rachel: I found it.  It's Pandora's jar, isn't it?

Her eyes were brighter than usual.

YN: Rachel... put down the jar.

Rachel: I can see Hope inside it.

Rachel ran her fingers over the ceramic designs.

Rachel: So fragile.

YN: Rachel.

My voice seemed to bring her back to reality.  She held out the jar, and I took it.  The clay felt as cold as ice.

Annabeth: Grover.  Let's scout around the palace.  Maybe we can find some extra Greek fire or Hephaestus traps.

Grover: But-

Annabeth elbowed him.
Grover: Right!  I love traps!

She dragged him out of the throne room.  Over by the fire, Hestia was huddled in her robes, rocking back and forth.

YN: Come on, Rachel.  I want you to meet someone.

We sat next to the goddess.

Percy: Lady Hestia.

Hestia: Hello, Percy Jackson, YN Ernten.  The hearth is getting colder.  Harder to keep the fire going.

YN: I know.  The Titans are near.

Hestia focused on Rachel.

Hestia: Hello, my dear.  You've come to our hearth at last.

Rachel blinked.

Rachel: You've... been expecting me?

Hestia held out her hands, and the coals glowed.  I saw images in the fire.  Lucas showing me the little robots he built, Sarah and I sitting at the campfire at Camp Half Blood, singing songs and roasting marshmallows.  Then Alexa and I, hugging our father.  The warmth of the fire seemed to spread across us.

Hestia: To claim your place at the hearth, you must let go of your distractions.  It is the only way you will survive.

Rachel nodded.

Rachel: I... I understand.

Percy Wait, what is she talking about?

Rachel took a shaky breath.

Rachel: Percy, when I came here... I thought I was coming for you.  But I wasn't.  You and me...

She shook her head.

Percy: Wait.  Is this because I'm "not the hero" or whatever?

Rachel: I'm not sure I can put it into words.  I was drawn to you because... because you opened the door to all of this.

She gestured at the throne room.

Rachel: I needed to understand my true sight.  But you and me, that wasn't part of it.  Our fates aren't intertwined.  I think you've always known that, deep down.

The Son of Death (Percy Jackson x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now