We Escape a Cruise Because We Are NOT Having Fun

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The two big hairy guys shoved us into the suite.  It was massive, with nice furniture, a massive bed, and marble floors.  In the middle of the room was a big golden box, like a coffin.  It was decorated with horrible images of flaming cities and dying heroes.

Luke: A little nicer than Cabin Eleven, huh?

He'd changed since the last summer.  Instead of Bermuda shorts and a T-shirt, he wore a button-down shirt, khaki pants, and leather shoes.  His hair, which used to be messy and unkept, was now clipped short.  He looked like an evil Ken doll.

Sarah: What's with the giant bed?  I guess you'd need a lot of room for the monster ladies you probably sleep with, huh?

I snorted, trying not to laugh.  Luke glared and one of the guards smacked her in the head.  I spread my wings, slamming one into his gut, but I was quickly wrestled to the ground,

Luke: Where are my manners?  These are my assistants, Agrius and Oreius.  Perhaps you've heard of them.

None of us said a word.

Luke: You don't know Agrius and Oreius's story?  Their mother... well, it's sad, really.  Aphrodite ordered the young woman to fall in love.  She refused and ran to Artemis for help.  Artemis let her become one of her maiden huntresses, but Aphrodite got her revenge.  She bewitched the young woman into falling in love with a bear.  When Artemis found out, she abandoned the girl in disgust.  Typical of the gods, wouldn't you say?  They fight with one another and the poor humans get caught in the middle.  The girl's twin sons here, Agrius and Oreius, have no love for Olympus.  They like half-bloods well enough, though...

Agrius: For lunch.

Oreius started laughing uncontrollably until Luke glared at him.

Luke: Shut up, you idiot!

Agrius: Go punish yourself!

Oreius looked sad and wandered over to the table, and started banging his head on it.

YN: Quite the charming family you've found here Luke.  You've settled down on a boat, and made new friends.  Almost makes me feel bad that I'm gonna kill you.

Luke: Oh, I thought you told me at the beginning of the summer that you weren't gonna kill me?

YN: That was before you poisoned the remains of one of my best friends, you son of a bitch!

Green mist began seeping from my mouth, nose, and eyes.  Luke looked horrified as the smoke solidified... taking the shape of the Chimera I'd killed at the Gateway Arch.  It roared, pouncing on Luke.  Agrius and Oreius rushed to help him, but the goat head blasted them with fire, pushing them back.  I jumped to my feet.

YN: Go!

The five of us ran out of the room, and I turned my key.  Kurve appeared in its sword form, and I cut down the two snake women outside the room.  We hurried to the edge of the boat, climbing into one of the emergency life rafts just as Luke burst out onto the deck.

Luke: Stop them!

I cut the ropes, dropping our raft towards the water, narrowly avoiding the wave of arrows that whistled over our heads.  Annabeth pulled out a canteen from her duffle bag, and a jet of air exploded out of it, sending us rocketing along the waves.  The Princess Andromeda shrank to the size of a toy boat as we got further and further away, and then it was gone.  I collapsed onto one of the seats, as Sarah hurried over to me.

Annabeth: Are you alright, YN?

Percy: How did you summon the Chimera?

YN: I don't know... when Alexa and I met our father in the underworld, he said we'd each receive a gift from either Nyx or Erebos, as their first grandchildren from Thanatos.  Erebos is the personification of darkness and the Underworld, so I guess he gave me the power to control the spirits of monsters I've slain...

Sarah: Whatever the case, you saved us.

I smiled, then promptly passed out.  When I opened my eyes, I was back in the place where I'd first met my father.  I turned and he was standing there, smiling.

YN: Father.  How are you...

Thanatos: Here?  When I put my hand on yours and Alexa's foreheads, I created a bond.  I can speak to you in your dreams now.

I smiled.

Thanatos: I see you've received Erebos' blessing.

YN: Yes, I summoned the Chimera... was I correct?  Am I able to summon the souls of monsters I've killed?

Thanatos: In a sense.  Monsters don't have mortal souls, but you can summon their essence.  As you know, monsters don't stay dead, they will reform eventually.  But in your case, any monster you've killed is gone for good.  As long as you're alive, the monsters you've slain will stay within you.

I nodded in understanding.

Thanatos: I wish we had longer, but you must wake up now.  Your friends are in danger.

My eyes shot open, and the first thing I heard was a roar.  I looked around, realizing I was in some sort of tent that looked to be made of swamp leaves.  I quickly stood up, running out the door and finding my friends... facing a massive dragon with seven heads.  A Hydra.  I was about to run to help them, but suddenly something slammed into its side, exploding.  The Hydra fell to the ground, its heads moving weakly.  I ran over, pulling out my scythe and stabbing into its body, killing the beast.  It's almost like the author wanted an excuse to give me a Hydra... what's that big crack in the sky?  Oh, it's gone.  What was I talking about?  Oh yeah.  I looked to where the explosive had come from, and saw a massive battleship.  On the side were the words CSS Birmingham.  And standing on the deck, grinning down at us with her arms crossed...

Clarisse: I suppose I have to rescue you losers.  Come aboard.

Alright, I realized that YN wouldn't have had a monster to summon, so I went back and changed the scene with the Chimera so YN killed it instead of Sarah.  ENJOY!

The Son of Death (Percy Jackson x Male Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt