Back to Camp

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Grover fell to his knees and began groveling.

Thalia: Get up, goat boy!  We have other things to worry about.  Annabeth and Sarah are gone!

Bianca: Whoa.  Hold up.  Time out.

Everybody looked at her.  She pointed her finger at all of us in turn, like she was trying to connect the dots.

Bianca: Who... who are you people?

Looking at her and Nico now, something about them felt... familiar.  It was weird, because I'd never met them before.  But they almost seemed... I don't know how to describe it.  If my father hadn't told Alexa and I that we were his only children, that might have even been my first assumption.

Artemis's expression softened.

Artemis: It might be a better question, my dear girl, to ask who you are.  Who are your parents?

Bianca glanced nervously at her brother, who was still staring in awe at Artemis.

Bianca: Our parents are dead.  We're orphans.  There's a bank trust that pays for our school, but...

She faltered.  I guess she could tell from our faces that we didn't believe her.

Bianca: What?  I'm telling the truth.

Zoe: You are a half-blood.

Zoe's accent was hard to place.  It sounded old-fashioned, like she was reading from a really old book.

Zoe: One of thy parents was mortal.  The other was an Olympian.

Bianca: An Olympian... athlete?

Zoe: No.  One of the gods.

Nico: Cool!

I like this kid already.

Bianca: No!  This is not cool!

Nico danced around like he needed to use the restroom.  Does Zeus really have lightning bolts that do six hundred damage?  Does he get extra movement points for-

Bianca: Nico, shut up!  This is not your stupid Mythomagic game, okay?  There are no gods!

As anxious as I felt about Sarah, all I wanted to do was search for her, I couldn't help feeling nostalgic listening to the naivety Bianca has.

YN: Bianca, I know it's hard to believe.  But the gods are still around.  Trust me.  They're immortal.  And whenever they have kids with regular humans, kids like us, well... our lives are dangerous.

Bianca: Dangerous.  Like the girls who fell.

I flinched and Thalia turned away.  Even Artemis looked pained.

Artemis: Do not despair for Sarah and Annabeth.  If they can be found, I shall find them.

YN: They're both alive.

Everyone turned to me.

YN: I can sense it.  If either were dead, I'd know.  I didn't see Thalia die on Half-Blood Hill.  But when she did... I knew it had happened.

Percy: Then why aren't we going to look for them?

YN: Because they disappeared the second they went over the cliff.

Artemis nodded.

Artemis: Can't you sense it, Son of Poseidon?  Some magic is at work.  I do not know exactly how or why, but your friends have vanished.

Nico raised his hand.

Nico: Ooh, what about Dr. Thorn?  That was awesome how you shot him with arrows!  Is he dead?

Artemis: He was a manticore.  Hopefully he is destroyed for now, but monsters never truly die.  They re-form over and over again, and they must be hunted whenever they reappear.

Bianca shivered.

Bianca: That explains... Nico, you remember last summer, those guys who tried to attack us in the alley in DC?

Nico: And that bus driver!  The one with the ram's horns!  I told you that was real!

Artemis: YN.  Shadow travel back to camp.  Tell Chiron that we will be visiting today, to talk about Sarah and Annabeth.  I'll bring your friends as well.

YN: Of course.  Thank you for helping us, Lady Artemis.

She gave a soft smile, and I vanished into the shadows.  Also, you're probably wondering.  YN!  You're a guy!  Why don't Artemis and Zoe hate your guts?  Well, when I was travelling with my sister, Annabeth, and Thalia... and Luke... we met Zoe.  Of course she hated me at first, but after I killed Stheno and Euryale, Medusa's sisters, to save her life, I earned her respect.  And simultaneously Artemis'.  So I'm now the one man that Zoe can tolerate being around.  I reappeared in front of the Big House, where Chiron, Mr. D, and a fat old satyr were playing Uno on the front porch.  Chiron noticed me and excused himself, trotting down the steps to meet me.

Chiron: How did it go?  Did you recover the children?

YN: We found the kids.  But the headmaster was a manticore.  The Hunters of Artemis saved us but... the Manticore vanished and took Sarah and Annabeth.  They're alive, I can feel that much.

Chiron nodded solemnly.

Chiron: Then we will have to retrieve them.  Are you asking for a quest?

YN: The Hunters will be here some time today.  And I think Artemis wanted to discuss with you first.

Chiron: Very well.  Get some sleep until then, YN.  I'll send Lucas to find you when they arrive.

I nodded, heading off towards my cabin.

The Son of Death (Percy Jackson x Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz