We Enter the Sea of Monsters

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We'd just finished a ship tour we didn't want, through dark rooms overcrowded with dead sailors.  We'd seen the coal bunker, the boilers and engine, which huffed and groaned like it would explode any minute.  We'd seen the pilothouse and the powder magazine and gunnery deck (which was Clarisse's favorite) with two Dahlgren smoothbore cannons on the port and starboard sides and a Brooke nine-inch rifled gun... all specially refitted to fire celestial bronze cannon balls.  Everywhere we went, dead Confederate sailors stared at us, their ghostly bearded faces shimmering over their skulls.  They approved of Annabeth because she told them she was from Virginia.  They were interested in Percy, too, because his name was Jackson, like the Southern general, Thomas Jackson, but then he ruined it by telling them he was from New York.  They all hissed and muttered curses about Yankees.  Since all of them were dead souls, they all bowed down and referred to me as "master", which really pissed off Clarisse.  Tyson was terrified of them.  All through the tour, he insisted Annabeth hold his hand, which she didn't look too thrilled about.  I smirked at her, which made her even more upset.  Finally, we made it to the cafeteria, where we were served peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, and soda.

Clarisse: Tantalus expelled you guys for eternity.  Mr. D said if any of you show up at camp again, he'll turn you into squirrels and run you over in his SUV.  Tantalus tried to expel your sister too, Ernten.

My eyes widened in rage, flashing green momentarily.  The zombie soldiers in the room began moving restlessly, and Clarisse looked a bit nervous.

YN: I swear, when he gets back to the Fields of Punishment I'm gonna make sure my dad throws him under Sisyphus' boulder!

Sarah giggled.

Clarisse: She wasn't expelled, but Mr. D is having her do a lot of extra chores.

I grit my teeth.

Sarah: So I'm guessing dad gave you this ship?

Clarisse nodded.

Clarisse: The spirits on the losing side of every war owe a tribute to Ares.  That's their curse for being defeated.  I prayed to my father for a naval transport and here it is.  These guys will do anything I tell them.  Won't you, Captain?

The captain stood behind her looking stiff and angry.  His glowing green eyes were locked onto me.

Captain: If it means an end to this infernal war, ma'am, peace at last, we'll do anything.  Destroy anyone.

Clarisse smirked.

Annabeth: Clarisse, Luke might be after the Fleece, too.  We saw him.  He's got the coordinates and he's heading south.  He has a cruise ship full of monsters-

Clarisse: Good!  I'll blow him out of the water.

Annabeth: You don't understand.  We have to combine forces.  Let us help you-

Clarisse pounded the table with her fist, cutting Annabeth off.

Clarisse: NO!  This is MY quest!  Finally I get to be the hero, and you five will NOT steal my chance!

Sarah: Where are your quest mates?  You're allowed to take two other people with you.

Clarisse: They didn't... I let them stay behind.  To protect the camp.

YN: You mean even the people in your own cabin hate you?

Clarisse: Shut up, Ernten!  I don't need them!  Or you!

YN: Great.  Where can I get some sleep?

Captain: I'll show you to the barracks, master.

Clarisse: Stop calling him that!

Captain: Yes sir.

The captain led me to the barracks, where there were three bunk beds.  I thanked him and he saluted, leaving the room.  I laid down, closing my eyes and instantly falling into a deep sleep.  I woke up to Sarah shaking me.

Sarah: Finally!  Get up, we need to get to the deck.

I realized the entire boat was shaking, and the engine room down the hall was making concerning screeching noises.

YN: What's going on?  Is this a hurricane?

Sarah: No, it's Charybdis and Scylla.  We're going between them.

I shot up, my eyes widening.

YN: Is Clarisse psychotic?  Don't answer that.

We ran up to the deck, and what I saw was concerning to say the least.  Right as I got there, something green and brown shot from the sky, grabbing the captain and snatching him off the deck.  All that remained were his boots.  It happened again.  I couldn't make out any of Scylla's features, just scales and teeth.

Annabeth: We have to get off the ship!  Where are the lifeboats?

Clarisse: They'll never get past the cliffs.  We'll all be eaten.

YN: Percy, where's Tyson?

Percy: He's in the engine room, trying to fix it-

Percy was suddenly grabbed and pulled into the air as Sarah and Annabeth were climbing into a life raft.  I spread my wings, flying up and pulling Kurve out in it's sword form.  I slashed the tentacle in half, reaching to catch Percy... when the CSS Birmingham exploded.  With a loud boom, thousands of pounds of shrapnel flew in every direction.  Percy fell into the water below, as I was hit in the face with a massive chunk of the hull and blacked out.

The Son of Death (Percy Jackson x Male Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum