We Run With the Bulls

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On to book two, The Sea of Monsters!  WOOOOO!  ENJOY!

This is bullshit.  Kinda literally in this case.  First, Thalia's tree gets poisoned and the magical borders around camp are fading.  I have my suspicions of who did it, and when I find him I'm gonna hand him over to dad myself.  Chiron got blamed for it, or at least blamed for not stopping it.  He was exiled from camp.  And that brings us to now.  Where giant metal bulls are rampaging around the border of camp.  Oh, and they breathe fire.  Because of course they do.  I flew around one of the bulls, swiping at it with my scythe when I got the chance.  I'd already been singed by the bull, and if it weren't for my immunity to death I'd probably have lost that arm.  I dove down as it charged me, sliding under the bull and dragging my scythe down its stomach, tearing it open with an awful screeching sound.  The bull stumbled a bit then fell to the ground, dead.  I turned to help with the other bull, but Percy, Annabeth, and some really big kid with a kinda misshapen face had shown up.  I watched in awe as the big guy faced down the bull charging at him.

???: Bad bull!

The boy punched the bull in the face, toppling it.  A dozen spears were thrown into its less armored belly, and the bull was finally dead.  Cheers erupted around the hill, and I walked over to Annabeth.

YN: Welcome back, Annabeth.

Annabeth: What happened?  How did they get into camp?

YN: THAT happened.

I pointed my scythe at Thalia's tree, which was turning yellow.  Piles of dead needles lay around the base of the tree, and a puncture wound about the size of a bullet hole oozed sap out of it, like blood.

Annabeth: No... how could this happen?

YN: For whatever reason, Chiron got blamed for it and has been exiled.  But I'm pretty sure I know who did this.  And if I'm right, I'm going to send him to Hades myself.


I stood at the top of the hill, watching the car pull up.  Out of the back seat stepped Sarah Wilson.  One of my best friends, and crush.  She waved at me and ran up the hill, almost tackling me in a hug.

Sarah: YN!  It's so good to see you!

I smiled, hugging her back.

YN: You too, Sarah.  How was your summer?

Sarah: It was pretty good.  I only had one monster attack, so that was great.

YN: If only we were all that lucky.

Sarah: Huh?  Didn't you stay here at camp?

YN: A lot has happened since you left.  Come on.

Sarah suddenly noticed Thalia's pine tree, and her eyes widened.  She ran over to it, running her hands along the roots where Thalia's body had been.

Sarah: How did this happen...

YN: Chiron was accused of poisoning it, and kicked out.  But we all know it obviously wasn't him.  If I had to guess...

Sarah: Luke?

I nodded and her eyes became full of rage.

Sarah: When I find him...

YN: You're gonna have to wait in line.

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