Volume 2 Chapter 41: Fourth Dance

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Yang: Deal. By the way, are there other girls besides us three?

Silver: ...I won't say no but possibly.

Yang: ...Interesting.

Silver: What do you mean by that?

Yang: Nothing, by the way, I think a certain someone has been waiting to dance with you.

Silver: Who?

Yang: Have Fun!

Silver turned his head and that's when he saw her.

Silver turned his head and that's when he saw her

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Silver: Wow...

Velvet: Hey...Silver.

Silver: You look...amazing doesn't even begin to describe it.

Velvet: So you like the dress?

Silver: Like it? I love it! Also the twin tails look good on you.

Velvet: *blushes* Thank you...I wanted to ask...do you want to dance? But if you're busy I can always-

Silver: Velvet.

Velvet: Hm?

Silver: I would love to dance.

Silver took Velvet's hand and the two walked to the dance floor. 

Coco: That's my girl!

Coco was watching from the sidelines as Velvet and Silver begun dancing.

Coco: Good thing I asked Fox to watch over Yatsu tonight. Good luck Velvet!

Random Girl: Uhm...Coco? Do you want to dance with me?

Coco: Seems I have my own good luck as well.

Silver and Velvet started to dance together, Velvet...wasn't the best dance but her putting her all into it made it kind of adorable to Silver. She was trying her best not to mess up and it showed him that she really wanted this dance.

Silver: Hey Velvet?

Velvet: Yeah?

Silver: You know dances are more fun when you relax yourself right?

Velvet: Oh! I'm sorry...

Silver: Don't be, here let me help.

Silver took control of the dance, helping Velvet make each movement easier which shocked her as he masterfully maneuvered her to match his rhythm.

Silver: See? Now try on your own.

Velvet: A-alright.

Instead of forcing things Velvet relaxed and moved with Silver to a near perfect rhythm.

Velvet: I did it! 

Silver: See there you go! Now let me try something

Velvet: Try something?

Silver while dancing tipped Velvet while dancing causing her to be swept off her feet, both figuratively and literally. 

Velvet: *Heavily blushing* Oh...Silver...

Silver: I take it I surprised you?

Velvet: Definitely...

Silver: Do you want to rest? 

Velvet: Yes, please.

Silver and Velvet walked over to a table and sat down.

Velvet: I just wanted to say...thank you for dancing with me.

Silver: No need to thank me. It was fun.

Velvet: Even if I was a total rookie?

Silver: That just made it better, I saw you putting your all into it. It...showed me how much you wanted to dance with me.

Velvet: *Blushes and looks away* Thank you again Silver! I'm going to find Coco. 

Velvet got up to run but before she did, she turned back to Silver with her face as red as a tomato and waved at him.

Silver: Adorable.

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