Volume 2 Chapter Twenty-Seven: Silver's Truth

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AN: So...I posted chapter 28 before 27...yeah that was a half awake mess up by me...anyway now here's 27!

Team RWBYS walked into their dorm, Ruby and Weiss sat down on Weiss' bed while Silver and Blake sat on Blake's bed with Yang deciding to sit on the floor. Each of the girls look at Silver with various emotions, each curious about his past.

Silver: *takes a deep breath* So as you girls know I was born in a remote village from outside the kingdoms, now has much has Blake told you three?

Blake: I said exactly what you wanted me to tell them.

Yang: Yeah about how the village was destroyed and you and a few other children escaped.

Silver: That all?

Blake looked down with some shame.

Silver: Seems she didn't tell them everything...

Blake: I-I'm sorry, I just didn't think it was my place to tell.

Silver patted Blake's head causing her to blush.

Silver: It's okay, I appreciate you trying to paint me in a good light. *Silver turned to the girls* firstly I think I need to go over my villages history a bit before we continue. Tell me have you girls heard of Serenity?

Ruby: Serenity?

Weiss: Wait...you're telling me?

Silver: So you know of it Ice Queen?

Weiss: I do. It was a village that came together nearly a ago, only families who possessed powerful and inheritable semblances were allowed to join, my great grandfather himself received a invitation which he denied. This village was to exist outside of the laws as the other kingdoms and the first leader had the ambitions to create a 5th kingdom, one stronger than all the rest.

Silver: That about sums it up... but there is a lot more to the story. Serenity originally was supposed to be a place where powerful families joined and married with each other, humans or Faunus it didn't matter as long as you had a strong semblance. The first leader, Tetsu, wanted to create the most powerful semblance to exist and what better way then to gather the rare families that had inheritable semblances. The semblances would combine and become stronger the further the family line progressed. However the first leader was betrayed by his younger brother, Reiko. Reiko killed Tetsu and became the new leader of the village...and he led them down a new path. Reiko wanted to create a army of the most powerful semblances and eventually go to war against the four kingdoms. This resulted in conflict among the village, causing it to nearly destroy itself. The over three hundred original citizens turned to barely even 60 after the fighting was done. Reiko was killed in the war and the near leadership decided to rule by council rather than a single leader. We managed to stay alive, even if just barely and by the time I was born the village had even less people living in it and overall the semblances we had in our possession became weaker. Only about a 1/5th of our population had a extremely strong semblance, most of them belonging in 5 children. These children were called the Prodigies of Serenity. Many saw these five becoming so strong, they'd be able to revive the first leaders vision.

Ruby: How strong were they?

Silver: Extremely. Among these five were Sasha, a girl who could control water itself, she could manifest entire torrents of water simply from the small water particles in the air.

Yang: That's insane...

Silver: She's not even in the top 3 strength wise among the 5 Prodigies. Then there was Violet, a girl who could manifest amethyst crystals whenever she wanted. She can uses them as projectiles or even if she wanted to, make weapons out of it.

RWBY: A Alternate TaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz