Volume 2 Chapter Thirty-Six: Rooftop Sparring

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Silver and Pyrrha were originally just going to spar but the two got too into it and started having a match against each other.

Pyrrha and Silver stood off, Silver using his weapons in their dual blade form, both of them sweating.

Silver smirked before he charged at Pyrrha and fainted a attack with his left blade while actually attack with the right blade, Pyrrha blocked the left with her shield and dodged the right attack before trying to hit him with her Javelin but he ducked her attack and kicked Pyrrha in the leg to bring her down but Pyrrha jumped up and tried to once again stab Silver with her Javelin from the top down, which Silver blocked with Luna and Selina.

Silver: It's your win.

Pyrrha smirked before reaching out her hand to help Silver get up which Silver took.

Silver: Damn, your a tough opponent.

Pyrrha: Thanks! You're pretty talented yourself, even without using your semblance we matched up pretty well.

Silver: I don't like losing though, I will want a rematch soon.

Pyrrha: And I will await your challenge. Thanks for this by the way, I needed a good match today.

Silver: I get it, Team CRDL and Mercury didn't live up to expectations.

Pyrrha: Team CRDL did live up to my expectations at least, which wasn't much at all, but Mercury...that was disappointing.

Silver: Yeah I don't understand what that was all about.

Suddenly the door to the roof opened and Jaune walked out, he seemed a bit upset but he put up a fake smile and walked up to the two.

Jaune: I'm ready for training.

Pyrrha: You sure? Something seems wrong?

Jaune: I'll be fine, can we get started?

Pyrrha: Okay, let's begin sparring.

Pyrrha and Jaune started their spar, it went as you'd expect Pyrrha controlled the entire fight but suddenly in the middle of it Jaune seemingly got the upper hand on Pyrrha until Pyrrha countered it by sweeping his legs out from under him.

Pyrrha: Well done! Your swordplay's improved immensely.

Silver: Yeah, you're getting better and better the more you practice.

Jaune: I could've have done it without the two of you.

Silver: It's been mostly Pyrrha, she's a great teacher.

Pyrrha: I wouldn't say that much, anyway are you ready to move onto Aura?

Jaune: Actually, think we can just skip Aura for tonight? Might go on a jog or something.

Pyrrha: Come on, I know you get frustrated when it comes to Aura, but you must keep trying. I'm sure you'll discover your semblance any day now.

Silver: He may've discovered it...at least at the surface level.

Silver remembered that faint glow he had when he fought that Ursa defending Cardin. Silver knew he unlocked something, he just needed time to realize and hone it.

Jaune: That's not it. It's just...it's dumb.

Pyrrha: What is it? Jaune, you know you can tell me.

Silver: If it's guy stuff I'll listen.

Jaune: Thanks, it's fine to talk to you two about...it's Weiss...

Pyrrha: Oh?

Silver: What about her?

Jaune: I asked her to the dance...and she shot me down. Big surprise right?

Pyrrha: Well, I believe the saying goes: There's plenty of fish in the sea.

Silver: If only he actually tried looking at the beautiful red-head fawning over him.

Jaune: That's easy for you to say. You've probably got guys clamoring over each other to ask you out. And Silver, you got girls lining up just for a chance to talk to you.

Pyrrha: You'd be surprised...

Silvers: That's a little bit of a exaggeration.

Jaune: Oh please. If one of you two don't get a date to the dance. I'll wear a dress. Heh.

Pyrrha sighed after this as well as Silver.

Silver: If only he wasn't do dense...

Pyrrha: Yeah...

Silver: Need a hug?

Pyrrha: Yeah...

*In Cinder's dorm room.

Emerald: So, Pyrrha Nikos.

Emerald sat down with her scroll going through images of Beacon's top students.

Cinder: Ah, the invincible girl.

Mercury: She's smart, but I wouldn't say invincible.

Cinder: Do tell.

Emerald: Her Semblance is Polarity. But you'd never know it just by watching.

Mercury: Once she made contact with my boots, she could move them around however she liked. But she only moved them enough to make slight adjustments.

Emerald: Just enough to make her look untouchable. She doesn't broadcast her power, so it puts her opponents at a disadvantage.

Cinder: Hmm...people assume she's fated for victory, when she's really taking fate into her own hands. Interesting. Add her to the list.

Emerald: Finally, that Silver guy.

Cinder: Ah yes, the mystery child.

Emerald: His semblance is still unknown, those old friends of his won't share it with us.

Mercury: Why do we have to work with them? They don't stick the plan.

Cinder: The four of them are powerful and so is Silver. From what Shadow has told me, he could take any of them on if he went all out. But he holds himself back for some reason. I want to get to know him better...add him to the list.

Mercury: You still should be able to take the two of them no problem.

Cinder: It's not about overpowering the enemy. It's about taking away what power they have. And we will, in time.

Mercury: I hate waiting.

Cinder: Don't worry, Mercury. We have a fun weekend ahead of us.

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