Volume 1 Chapter Two: Beacon Academy

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Silver: How the hell did i end up here...

Silver was sitting on a airship flying towards Beacon Academy. He was surrounded by students all over the ship, each of which was filled with excitement, nerves and...well whatever was going on with the blonde haired boy who was sitting on the ground freaking out.

Silver thought back on the previous night in the interrogation room and his discussion with Ozpin.

Silver: ...What?"

Professor Ozpin: Exactly what I said, I wish for you to enroll at my school.

Silver: ...and why would you want that? I'm just some kid that's been roaming the continent.

Professor Ozpin: Because I have a good eye for potential. I didn't become a headmaster just based on luck after all. Just try it out, give it a month. If you don't want attend my school by the end of of the month, then you will be allowed to leave no questions asked. But if you stay longer, who knows there maybe something that you've been looking for there.

Silver: ...I'll think about it. I can't promise I'll stay however I can't promise anything long term.

Professor Ozpin: That's all I ask.

Soon Ozpin left and Silver was let go. He walked to the inn he was staying at and sat on the bed.

Silver: What did he mean something I've been looking for?

This curiosity made Silver decide to go to Beacon for the month trial that Ozpin had suggested, which led him to getting on the bullhead. Silver looked around the ship, taking note of anyone he thought was strong. The first person he spotted was a beautiful girl with long black hair sitting down reading a book. While looking at her he noticed something.

Silver: Did her bow just move? Ah I understand. Wonder why she hides them. I think she would look even more beautiful without the bow, although even with it she's still quite a beauty.

Silver then continued to look around until he saw someone familiar to him.

Silver: So Ruby is here too...and who's the beautiful blonde haired girl that's hugging her?

Yang Xiao Long: Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!

Yang Xiao Long: Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!

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Silver: Wait...baby sister? So she's Ruby's sibling...but they looking nothing alike....wait...why does the blonde haired girl look so familiar almost like...no it isn't possible let's just erase that thought from my mind.

Ruby: Please stop...

Yang quickly let go of Ruby before saying.

Yang: But I'm so proud of you!

Ruby: Really Sis, it was nothing.

Yang: What do you mean? It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is going to think you're the bee's knees.

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